Spring 2005


Integrative Science (SCI 110)


Instructor: Dr. Andy Long

Office: AST 328

Phone: 859-572-5794

Email: longa@nku.edu

Office Hours: TR 12:30-1:30 or by appointment


Required Text: Integrated Science Second Edition, by Tillery, Enger and Ross.  Please bring your textbook to class on days when reading assignments/questions are due. You will also need to purchase the worksheet packet at the bookstore in the UC.


Objectives:  We have four major objectives in this course. 1) To introduce you to how science is conducted, 2) To help you understand major scientific ideas, 3) To illustrate how scientific discovery crosses disciplinary borders, and 4) To increase your awareness of current scientific issues and the importance of scientific literacy to understanding and resolving issues.


Format:  This course is a lab-based course, which means that lecture time will be limited and much of your learning will occur through conducting experiments, using the web, reading your book and participating in discussions.


Attendance: Attendance in this course is mandatory due to the format of the course; being absent will no doubt result in your missing a substantial amount of information.  There will be a quiz every week and there are no make-up quizzes. I DO NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK**.  If you are aware you will be missing a class please let me know and we will attempt to work you into another section of the course-DO NOT SHOW UP TO ANOTHER SECTION WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AND THE PERMISSION OF THE INSTRUCTOR TEACHING THAT SECTION.  **If you attend another section, you may turn in your assignment to that instructor.  However, to receive credit you must also obtain a sheet with the instructor’s signature that states you have attended the entire class period.


Exams:  There will be 3 exams and a final.  Each exam will be worth 150 points.    If you know ahead of time you will not be able to attend class the day of the exam, we will attempt to make arrangements for you to attend another section and take their exam. Make up for a missed exam will occur on Fri. April 29th. The format of the exam will be essay and will consist of questions submitted by all faculty teaching this course. Exams are on the following dates:

            Exam 1: Feb 16/17

            Exam 2: March 21/22

            Exam 3: April 13/14




Final Exam:


Course Section

Class Time

Final Exam Time


MW 9-12

May 2nd @8am


MW 1-4

May 4th @ 1pm


TR 9-12

May 3rd @ 10:10 am


Mid-term Grades:  All first year students will be given mid-term grades.  These will be posted on Norse Express.  These mid-term grades will be replaced by the final course grade at the end of the semester.


Final Course Grades:  Final course grades are calculated based on the total number of possible points in the course, there will not be a curve.  Points will be accumulated approximately as follows:

            Exams (150 each)         450

            Final                             150                 

            Projects/presentations   290

            Homework                   ~30

            Quizzes (25 each)         100

            Total                            1020

** This total is subject to change, but you will be notified if this occurs**


Other Important Class Information:


1)      The university has adopted both an Honor Code (http://www.nku.edu/~deanstudents/student_rights/honor_code.htm) and Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (http://www.nku.edu/~deanstudents/student_rights/). The work you will do in this course is subject to the Student Honor Code.  The Honor Code is a commitment to the highest degree of ethical integrity in academic conduct, a commitment that, individually and collectively, the students of Northern Kentucky University will not lie, cheat, or plagiarize to gain an academic advantage over fellow students or avoid academic requirements. You are expected to read and familiarize yourself with both of these.


2)      When you are studying for this course, you should expect on average to spend 2-3 hours outside class for each class period.  This includes reading, questions for thought, studying for quizzes and exams, experiments. 


3)      Please do not arrive late to class. We will begin class on time and you are expected to be there at the beginning of class.  I realize the class is long and we will always take a break, but please be courteous to your classmates and arrive on time. If you are late on the day of a quiz you will not be given extra time to complete the quiz.


4)      The last day to drop a course without a grade appearing is January 29.  The last day to withdraw from a course with a grade of W is March 28.


5)      Food and drinks are generally permitted in class depending on our activity for that day.  Please do NOT have drinks on the side tables by the computers or on the lab benches if the computers are present.  There is no smoking or chewing of tobacco in class.  As soon as you enter class all cell phones and beepers need to be turned off and should remain off for the duration of class (unless there is an emergency situation, in which case you should inform of its nature).


6)      I reserve the right to dismiss or to have removed a disruptive student from my classroom in accordance with the appropriate College of Arts and Science Policy.


7)      If you have a disability that requires special accommodations you need to contact Disability Services and provide me with a letter stating your needs. I’ll be glad to accommodate you.


8)      Changes to this syllabus are possible throughout the semester.  I will announce any changes in class and it will be your responsibility to note these.