Minimal Spanning Trees

Definition: A spanning tree for a connected graph G is a non-rooted tree containing the nodes of the graph and a subset of the arcs of G. A minimal spanning tree is a spanning tree of least weight of a simple, weighted, connected graph G.

Prim's Algorithm
Prim's Algorithm proceeds very much like the shortest-path algorithm. There is a set IN, which initially contains one arbitrary node. For every node Z not in IN, we keep track of the shortest distance from Z and any node in IN. We successively add nodes to IN moving to the nearest adjacent node.

The example at right begins with nine (9) nodes and their arcs along with arc lengths. The end result will be tree that connects each node using the shortest distance.


Kruskal's algorithm is an alternative method for generating a minimal spanning tree. It works by building up a spanning tree from the arcs, ordered from smallest in weight to largest. The only reason to reject a smaller arc over a larger is if it creates a cycle.

The example at right begins with nine (9) nodes without their arcs along with arc lengths. The end result will be a tree that connects each node using the shortest distance.

We start by grouping the arcs together according to their length, then connecting the arcs until all nodes have incorporated into a connected structure.The only restriction is that an arc is not added if adding it will cause a cycle.

Arc Groupings
1: (1,3)(3,4)(5,7)(8,9)
2: (1,2)(2,5)(3,5)(7,8)(7,9)
3: (2,4)(4,6)(6,7)
4: (4,5)