Final Project Guidelines


We would like you to choose a current topic that ties in to one (or more) of the topics we covered this semester and present your information on one of the final days of class. The topic can be a controversial one or simply a current event that ties in strongly to the subjects we covered this semester. If the topic is controversial, you should attempt to present all the facts, but then reach your own conclusion based on those facts.


Specific guidelines on the project:


  1. You may choose a controversial topic, but NOT one of our debate topics
  2. The topic you choose must tie into one or more topics we covered in this course (feel free to discuss your choice with the instructor).
  3. You will make a presentation and turn in paper on the final day of class.
  4. You will make a Poster presentation which will be worth 30 points and should be at most 10min. in length.
  5. The paper should be typed, double spaced with appropriate headings (see below) and 3-5 pages in length.
  6. You must include a reference section in your paper and you should have a minimum of 2 NON-internet resources.
  7. Your poster should cover the same ground as your paper, only be more visual. It should tell the story, nonetheless: someone who sees your poster should understand the story, even if you’re nowhere in sight!
  8. For the poster, appearances count: make it attractive, alluring even!


Paper Format

You should have the following sections in your paper with the appropriate heading (use the underlined words below as the headings):


Introduction: This section is a basic overview of your topic. You should include enough information here so the reader can understand the topic.


Relevant Information: In this section you will provide arguments, present data from research, discuss impacts on the environment. You will also include maps, graphs or other visual information here.


Discussion: In this section you will tie your topic into what we covered in class this semester. You may also use this section to make final arguments of your viewpoint.


References: List all of the sources you used. You should have at least 2 non-internet sources. Describe all internet sources, and attempt to gauge their credibility.