Day 1 in SCI110: Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome!
- Distribute 4x6 cards, collecting the following info:
- Name
- Year (e.g. Freshman, Junior)
- Major
- Preferred email address
- Where are you from?
- Working? If so, where and how much?
- Why are you taking this course?
- Something special about yourself.
- My take on the course
- Hand out the syllabus
- Discuss the schedule.
- Denise Robertsons's Tips for Success in SCI110
- By the way: Dr. Robertson will be with you next time, as I'll be in San Antonio....
- Today's Details:
- Homework:
- On the web: find a topic of "scientific interest", and write a brief report (max two pages) on it, focusing on how it is (or isn't!) science. Perhaps your topic will be related to or inspired by something you saw in Science News, but don't feel limited. (Due next Wednesday -- write well!)
- Readings,
- Reading questions,
- and the Mean and Variation populations website.
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.