Physical/Chemical changes

  1. NaCl and water-physical, the NaCl dissolved into solution, then you evaporated off the water and were left with the NaCl.

  2. Magnesium wire--chemical, in this case your end product is ash and not the wire you started with. This one is also in the textbook (p. 175).

  3. Nichrome wire--physical, all that happens here is the wire is heated until it is hot, then it simply returns to its original state as it cools.

  4. Silver nitrate + HCl--chemical, you started with two clear solutions and after mixing them you produced a white solid (silver chloride) and nitric acid.

  5. Al + Cupric chloride--chemical, the Cu and the Al traded places essentially and you got Cu solid and aluminum chloride.

  6. Zn + HCl--chemical, you started with a granular metal and ended with a white solid and hydrogen gas.

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