Science or Not?
- cancer-sniffing dogs
- Augustine volcano eruption
- Artificial starlight to study supernovas
- Quaoar ("kwa-whar") -- new planet?
- Vaccine against cervical cancer
- Eyeless Catfish
- Intelligent design
- Amphibian extinction
- Fetal cells travel to mother's brain
- Global warming
- Video Games Effects on Minds
- Effects of Smoking
- Stem-cell research
How did you decide if your article or topic was science or not?
- used scientific method
- control groups
- experiments
- data is collected, hypotheses are developed
- to predict... and to test predictions
- hypotheses lead to conjectures, which can be tested
- create statistics through studies
- analyzing data
- checking and rechecking
- "Science is not belief, but the will to find out"
- Not science: ideas being used as tools to fend off unpopular ideas that
are based on science.
- Facts are the foundation of sciences.
- science moves from hypothesis to conclusion
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.