- Return quiz 4
- Definition! First of all, you've got to know the definition!
- composition
- common denominator
- cancellation
- passing to a limit (remember limits?)
- get the answer right (did you check your calculator?)
- Key:
- LD - limit dropper
- PD - parenthesis dropper
- CD - common denominator
- DA - death by algebra (e.g. incorrect cancellation)
- QR, PR - quotient or product rule user....
- f(x+h) is not equal to f(x)+h! What if?
- Part 2: f'(x) is not 1, or any constant -- why not?
- directed reading handout, Section 3.7 (html) (pdf)
- Don't forget: exam 2 next week, Thursday, over derivatives (through
- Sections 3.5: Higher Derivatives
- Section 3.6: Trigonometric Derivatives
- What problems shall we look at? If you don't have some, I'll make some
proposals from section 3.4:
- #30, p. 135
- #32, p. 135
- #46, p. 136
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