Syllabus for MAT121-051

INSTRUCTOR: Andy Long. Office: ST 328; phone: 572-5794; email:


LEC   MWF   8:00-8:50AM  ST  249
       TR   8:00-9:15AM  ST  249        

EXPECTED BACKGROUND: B or better in MAT 119 or equivalent; or placement. If you have doubts or concerns about your background, please see me as soon as possible.

TEXT: Calculus, first edition, by Jon Rogawski. We will cover most of chapters 2-4, making use of the TI-92 or TI-89 calculators (if you do not have one of these, one will be loaned to you).

GRADING: There will be three exams and a comprehensive final. Homework will be assigned regularly, and there will be quizzes based on the homework problems. To encourage you to read the textbook, a directed reading worksheet for each reading assignment will be provided. If you have done your homework, and prepared the worksheet ahead of time, you should do fine on the quiz; if not, well...I will drop your two worst quizzes. We'll have quizzes on Tuesdays or Thursdays, because we have a little extra time. No make-up quizzes: if you can't make a quiz day, that will be one of your drops.

Your course grade will be determined as follows:

Quizzes 15%
Three Exams 60%
Final 25%
I use the standard 90/80/70/60 cutoffs.

The tests will be given in class; the final will be given the last two days of the course. All will be closed book. Make-up exams will not be given except in extreme circumstances. If I excuse a student from an exam (again, for some extreme reason), the student's course grade will be calculated based on the rest of the semester's work.

HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned almost daily. You should expect to do a lot of homework, and to do it regularly, in order to do well in the course. You should also expect to go to the board occasionally in this class: we will often spend class time at the board, attempting problems together.

ATTENDANCE: The student is responsible for all material assigned or discussed in class. Attendance will be taken, and may be used along with class effort (as measured by participation - asking questions, answering other students' questions, group work, etc.) to resolve borderline grades.

WITHDRAWAL: The last day to withdraw from any class with a "W" is 9/21. After that day it is not usually permitted.



OFFICE HOURS: MWF 9:00-10:45; MW 6:10 pm-7:00 pm; TR 9:15-11:00. I am also available by appointment, and at random when approached with a smile.


Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.