Plan for Mathematics for Liberal Arts

Day Date Activity Assignment
Mon8/25 Welcome Read the chapter "Welcome" (pages xi-xiv) and Section 1.1;
Attempt stories #1, 3, 5, 7, 9 from Section 1.1.
You may read Section 1.2 (hints), but do not read 1.3 (solutions)!
Wed8/27 Fun and Games Read Section 1.4, and have a look at problems #2, 5, 8, 9, 14 for discussion. Part of this assignment will be handed in:

Pick two of those problems to write up and hand in. Your solutions should be typed up -- you can use this template (and, by the way, you can draw any diagrams by hand, but text should be typed). By the way: your work will be graded for presentation (including spelling, grammar, etc.), as well as for mathematical content.

I suggest that you describe one problem that you managed to solve, as well as one that you couldn't. For the one you solved, show me how; for the one you couldn't solve, what did you learn? What is it that stops you from solving it?

Due: Friday, 9/5/2008

Fri8/29 Fun and Games For Monday, Read 2.1, and discover how one might estimate how many hairs are on a human body.
Mon9/1 Labor Day no class
Wed9/3 Estimation Assignment (hand this in Friday, 9/12) : Estimate the following:

  1. How much do you spend in groceries for a year?
  2. How much gasoline do you use in a year? (CNN website) What percentage of your budget is fuel?
  3. How many times will you breathe today?
  4. How tall is the Lucas Administration building?
  5. The southbound lanes of I-471 are backed up from the Big Mac bridge at the Ohio river, to Nunn drive. How many cars are stuck in traffic on that section?
Fri9/5 Estimation  
Mon9/8 Estimation For Wednesday, the beginning of our "Number systems" unit, read this short description of bases, including "Base Eight" (here's a local copy).
Wed9/10 Number Systems For Friday, read section 2.2 of our text (Numerical Patterns in Nature -- "Fibonacci numbers").
Fri9/12 Number Systems Your problems, due Monday, 9/22 (revised date!):
  • Show how to express 1729 in base 2.
  • Explain why we can't express 1729 using base 1.
  • Show how to add 147 and 173 (both numbers expressed in base 8)
  • Bring one thing from nature that illustrates Fibonacci numbers
  • Problems from section 2.2: pp. 60-61, #16, 18, 20, 22
Mon9/15 Number Systems Missed class due to University Closure
Wed9/17 Number Systems For Friday: read section 2.3: Prime Cuts of Numbers
Fri9/19 Number Systems For Monday: read section 3.1: Beyond Numbers
Mon9/22 Infinity Part of your homework for the infinity unit: Mindscapes pp. 141-143, II.10; III.16, 18, 20. Please type up your solutions. The Infinity unit problems will be due Friday, 10/3.
Wed9/24 Infinity Here's another part of your infinity homework: For Monday, read 3.2 (Comparing the Infinite). Mindscapes pp. 156-161, #2, 6, 7, 13 (due Friday, 10/3)
Fri9/26 Exam 1  
Mon9/29 Infinity For Wednesday, read section 3.4: a stratosphere of infinities.
Wed10/1 Infinity For Friday, read section 4.7: The Fourth Dimension
Fri10/3 Dimension For next Friday, 10/10: Section 4.7: #5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12; and do a really good job with #19
Mon10/6 Dimension  
Wed10/8 Geometry  
Fri10/10 Geometry (Part of your assignment due 10/17): Section 4.3, pp. 244-: #2, 3, #13 (use a 4x1 rectangle as your starting rectangle, and repeat at least four times), 14, 15
Mon10/13 Geometry Part 2 of your assignment for this Friday, 10/17: Section 4.5, pp. 284-: #4, 5, 15
Wed10/15 Geometry (Platonic Solids) Please read Section 7.6 for Friday.
Fri10/17 Lying with Statistics Section 7.6: Mindscapes #5, 6, 9, 23, 26 (type up #22) Due Monday, 10/27
Mon10/20 Fall Break no class
Wed10/22 Lying with Statistics read section 7.5: Collecting Data Rather than Dust (for Friday)
Fri10/24 Lying with Statistics pp. 581-: #1, 3, 4, 8, 12. These will be attached to your exam, coming up 11/3, and constitute 10% of the exam.
Mon10/27 Elections For next time: read 8.4: Peril at the Polls
Wed10/29 Elections  
Fri10/31 Elections  
Mon11/3 Exam 2  
Wed11/5 Dynamics (with Jim Cushing) Please read section 6.5, Predetermined Chaos, for Friday.
Fri11/7 Dynamics pp. 498-499, #22-25; due 11/14.
Mon11/10 Dynamics  
Wed11/12 Lying with Graphs Problem #30, p. 608; and then adapt the exercise by replacing the word "statistics" with the word "graphics". Due Wed., 11/19.
Fri11/14 Lying with Graphs  
Mon11/17 Fractals and Trees Section 6.3, pp. 450-, #4, 5, 13, 20, 21, 24, 25, 32; Due Monday, 11/24
Wed11/19 Fractals and Trees  
Fri11/21 Fractals and Trees  
Mon11/24 Financial Math Homework: pp. 678-681, #1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12; Type up #20. Due Monday, 12/8 (note change in due date).
Wed11/26 Thanksgiving no class
Fri11/28 Thanksgiving no class
Mon12/1 Financial Math  
Wed12/3 Financial Math  
Fri12/5 Summary  
Mon12/8 Show-n-Tell  
Wed12/10 Show-n-Tell  
Fri12/12 Show-n-Tell Your show-n-tell papers are due (two pages, but make them perfect pages!)
Mon12/15 Final Exam 8:00-10:00

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.