Least-Squares Problems
Okay! This is it: the section with the formula for the solution of the least-squares problem, which is known as the linear regression problem in statistics. This is how we find a nice fit to linear (and specialized types of non-linear) models. What an amazingly powerful tool this is, and it's based on some simple linear algebra....
least-squares solution: If and b is in
, then a
least-squares solution of
for all x in .
Q: Take a look at that equation above, and tell me where the name ``least-squares'' comes from....
Now, consider the projection of b onto the Col A,
and let be defined as the solution of
Q: How do we know that there is such a solution?
We know that is orthogonal to Col A, so
from which we arrive at
Hence is a solution of the equation
(the so-called normal equations). There may be many (in infinite number!) of solutions of the normal equations.
Theorem 13: The set of least-squares solutions of
coincides with the nonempty set of solutions of the normal equations
However, if is invertible, then the solution is unique:
Theorem 14: The matrix is invertible
the columns of A
are linearly independent. In this case, the equation
only one least-squares solution
, and it is