> > I have a few questions about the homework that will be due this Wed. > > (I have the 5th ed. book) > > #12: Should letters be assigned to each of the statements beforehand so they >are the same throughout A-E, or in each individual case of A-E? In each individual case (e.g. H for Horse, K for Knight in part a.) > > #14 (C): Does it matter whether or not I make the given statement "A and (A >and B)" or if I just leave it as it was originally stated? I realize you get >the same answer both ways. Right: take your pick, because as long as you use legitimate operations, you'll >get the same Truth table either way. > > #29 (B): Is there any way to show that the two statements are equivalent >other than writing out a truth table and showing that they are tautological. I believe I mentioned in class that we can use DeMorgan to show that >disjunction is covered, for example: A or B <=> (A' and B')' That's a demonstration without truth tables, in a sense, except that we showed >DeMorgan by truth tables!;) > > #31: I have no idea how to even start this. Would I use a truth table >somehow? > In a way, yes: if we set A to true and B to true, then what will either "->" >and "or" produce using these? How can we ever get A', for example, using only >those two connectives? > #38: I can show that either both Merlin and Meredith are truthtellers or both >are liars but I cannot find a way to disprove it one way or another. I think >to do so it may have something to do with the fact that "If A, then B" is "if >F, then T" this turns out to be T; but I cannot figure how to make this work >with the fact that truthtellers always tell truth and liars always tell lies. > Assume that Merlin is a liar. Then what is the truth value of his assertion, >and what does that imply about the two characters? > I know that these are a LOT of questions, so the most important questions I >have are # 31 and 38. If you could write me back to point me in the right >direction I would greatly appreciate it. > > One more question, when will the sect. 1.2 be due? It will be due Monday the 28th.