Venn Diagram Applet

  1. S
  2. Ø
  3. A
  4. B
  5. Ac
  6. Bc
  7. A and B
  8. Ac and B
  9. A and Bc
  10. Ac and Bc
  11. A or B
  12. Ac or B
  13. A or Bc
  14. Ac or Bc
  15. (A and B) or (Ac and Bc)
  16. (Ac and B) or (A and Bc)
Venn Diagram


In this applet, A and B are subsets of a universal set S. The list above gives the 16 different subsets of S that can be constructed from A and B using the basic set operations of union, intersection, and complement. The selected subset is colored red in the Venn diagram on the right.

(From this source) - I had to modify it to elimate popups, cookies, and other evils.... ael