Assignments for MAT115H

  • Also for next Tuesday, 9/22: figure out how to do multiplication in binary arithmetic.
  • Day Date Activity Assignment
    Tue8/25 Welcome
    • Visit the website, and the timeline of Lewis Carroll's life; check out some of the links I've already discovered.
    • Propose one addition (or change!) to the timeline. Include text, and an image and link, if possible.
    • Read the Introduction (through p. 19) -- if we've got a little time today, we'll get started on one or two.
    Thu8/27 Read some dialogues
    • Read the first Fit (pp. 21-37): Carroll's early years.
    • Find (or conjure up) one application of a mobius band (see Scene 7: Fortunatus's Purse).
    • Devise your own two final stanzas the Scene 5: The Beaver's Lesson. Keeping the first line of the second to last stanza:
      "Taking Three as the subject to reason about --
      finish the poem in the style of Lewis Carroll, concocting your own mathematical identity, so that you preserve the final line:
      Exactly and perfectly true."
      You fill in the six lines between!
    Tue9/1 Fortunatus's Purse (and Mobius bands)
    • Finish your Beaver's Tail, and email it to me.
    • Pick your favorite poem, and explain why you like it.
    • Perform a check of the calculations proposed by your colleagues in their Tail poems for the Beaver's Lesson -- do they have an identity, which results in the number three?
    • Finish your mobius exercise.
    Thu9/3 A finer view of Fortunatus's Purse (and Mobius bands); Lewis Carrol's bio
    • For Tuesday, 9/8: submit
      1. your calculations (sheet of paper) and checks for each poem
      2. A short (half page) description of why you chose your favorite. This should be typed and well-written. These will distributed to the authors of each.
      3. A short (half page) description of your own, including the calculation.
    • Thursday, 9/10: submit your answers to the following from the reading "The Band That Wouldn't Stop Playing": Problems 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20. These may be done by hand (you needn't type anything up). You may want to include some pieces of bands, if you wish. Put them in an envelope, however!;)
    Tue9/8 Lewis Carroll as a young man. Next time we'll be starting bases. Please read the handout you received in class (here) to prepare for the lesson. You might also want to read the appropriate section of Alice in Wonderland. On about the third page of Chapter Two, Alice starts speaking out some bizarre equations:

    "Let me see: four times five is twelve, and four times six is thirteen, and four times seven is -- oh dear! I shall never get to twenty at that rate!"

    Also begin reading "Fit the Second".

    Thu9/10 More of Carroll as a young man. Continue working on bases, and finish Fit the Second; Begin Fit the Third.
    Tue9/15 Start Bases
    • Type a one-page response to Carroll's "Hints for how to do mathematics", pp. 49-51. Are these good hints? Have you ever followed any of them? Do you have others to add? This is due Thursday, 9/17.
    • Have a look at the algebra problems of Fit the Second (p. 50), and attempt some solutions. Or at least understand the problems!;) This is for Thursday. Just bring your work to class.
    • Write a Carroll-like piece, working in the binary card trick of "The Great Fraudini" (a la Fortunatus's Purse). Due Tuesday, 9/22. Please email in advance of class, if possible.
    Thu9/17 More on bases  
    Tue9/22 Fit the Third
    • Prepare the binary problems assigned (distributed in class) to hand in (due 9/29). Show your work!
    • Learn each of the three tricks on page 65. Attempt them first on your own. Then, as noted in the text, they are explained on p. 215 in the notes. You will be expected to know how to do these! They will be discussed on Thursday.
    • Attempt to decode the message on p. 77 (created with the matrix cipher), without referring to the notes. Once again, you will be expected to know how to do this, so do not proceed until you have mastered this mathematical difficulty!;)
    Thu9/24 Game Day -- sort of!
    • Begin Fit the Fourth (finish it by Thursday next)
    • Read "Crazy Clocks and Checking out Bars" for next time (distributed in class). Please write up the following for Thursday, 10/1 (revised due date: Tuesday, 10/6): #2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12 (check my colleague, who suspects that they're all wrong), 20, 24, 32 (the ISBN for The Heart of Mathematics is 1-931914-41-9). The method of #32 doesn't work for our text ("Lewis Carroll in Numberland"), because our text uses a 13-digit code. Visit to find out how to check it.
    Remember: don't be terse! Show how you get your answers.
    Tue9/29 Carroll's Ciphers (and modern variants, e.g. UPC codes)  
    Thu10/1 UPCs and Fit the Fourth  
    Thu10/8 Exam 1  
    • For 10/15: read (what you can get through easily of) Fit the Fifth -- "Send Me the Next Book...." Read for enjoyment.
    • Problems due 10/27:
      • p. 160-162: solve/explain the "Geometrical Puzzles"
      • p. 166: the coloring maps problem. Try to construct a map that requires more than 4 colors. You can do it, but you'll have to "cheat" somehow. Find a way to cheat!;)
      • p. 169: solve the isosceles triangle problem
      • p. 28: complete the proof that Charles began. Since we don't have his next page, you're on your own! But I'm sure that Charles managed to complete it. Notice that he makes an error (that he corrects) in his write-up....
    Tue10/20 Fall Break No Class
    Thu10/22 Fit the Fifth For next time: Please read Fit the Sixth. Write your own couplet using the process of "Memoria Technica" for next time (see p. 136/137), and email in advance (if possible).
    Tue10/27   Project assignment: your project idea should be submitted, as a one-page, typed concept, by 11/12.
    Tue11/3 Finish Fit the Sixth Problems (from the Heart of Mathematics voting section), #1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15
    Tue11/10   There are nine knots in A Tangled Tale beyond the first one, which we looked at in class. You may choose one of the others, or I'll assign one, and your job is to explain the problem (also summarized in our text, in Fit the Seventh), and to summarize the solution. You should write (or, better yet, type!) your commentary on a single sheet of paper. Due: 11/17
    Thu11/12 Exam 2  
    Tue11/17   Read Fit the Eighth for next time
    Thu11/19   For next time: give me a one-page, typed, revised update on your project: Take II
    Tue11/24   Assignment for next time (Tuesday, 12/1):
    Thu11/26 Thanksgiving No Class
    Tue12/1   Assignment:
    • Please read the "Conclusion: Math and Aftermath" for next time (our last class discussion of new material!).
    • Test the trios of your handout (#1-26); for any that are not valid, demonstrate using the bi/tri-lateral diagrams of Carroll (due next Tuesday, 12/8).
    Thu12/3   Assignment: (due Thursday, 12/10). Find two new items to add to the Lewis Carroll timeline. Items relevant to the mathematics you're presenting is best....
    Tue12/8 Project Presentations  
    Thu12/10 Project Presentations  
    Tue12/15 Rest and Prepare  
    Thu12/17 Final Exam 1:00-3:00

    Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.