Assignments: Mat360

Day Date Activity Assignment (due next class)
Mon8/24 Welcome Read Section 1.1, Review of Calculus

Each of you will handle one definition/theorem for Wednesday:

  1. Limits and Continuity
  2. Convergence
  3. Differentiable Function
  4. Rolle's Theorem (and Generalized)
  5. Mean Value Theorem
  6. Extreme Value Theorem
  7. Riemann Integral
  8. Weighted Mean Value Theorem for Integrals
  9. Intermediate Value Theorem
  10. Taylor's Theorem
Feel free to use the homework problems as your examples, and look at the Student Study Guide for help, or alternative problems.
Homework: pp 14--: 1b,c; 2a,b; 3b; 4b,d; 5; 6; 9; 11; 12; 19; 20; 24; 26 (due 9/4)
Wed8/26 Section 1.1 Continue working on your first set of homework problems.
Mon8/31 Section 1.2: Round-off Errors and Computer Arithmetic Exercises 1a,c; 2a,c; 3c; 4a,c; 6c,g; 8c,g; 10; 12; 15b,d; 17; 21; 22; 26 (due 9/11)
Fri9/4 Section 1.3: Algorithms and Convergence Exercises 2ab; 3; 4; 6a,d; 7a; 8; 10 (implement in code -- with examples -- for extra credit); 16 (due 9/18)
Mon9/7 Labor Day  
Wed9/9 Read 2.1 for Friday, and prepare for a little quiz.  
Fri9/11 Section 2.1: The Bisection Method pp. 51--, 1; 3a; 9b; 10b,c; 13; 14; 16; 19 (due 9/25)
Mon9/14 Section 2.2: Fixed-Point Iteration pp. 61--, #4, 5, 8, 9, 12c, 17, 18, 20 (due 9/25)
Fri9/18 Section 2.3: Newton's Method pp 71--, #2; 4; 5b,c; 7b,c; 17; 19; 24; 33 (due Monday, 9/28)
Wed9/23 Section 2.4: Error Analysis for Iterative Methods pp. 82--, #1a,b;3a,b;6;10;11
Fri9/25 More Error Analysis  
Mon9/28 Section 2.6: Zeros of Polynomials and Muller's Method pp. 96--, #1, 3, 5, 7 (and compare), 10 (due 10/9)
Wed9/30 Review and more Muller  
Fri10/2 Exam 1  
Mon10/5 Exam pointers; A bit more Muller  
Wed10/7 Section 3.1: Interpolation and the Lagrange Polynomial Exercises: pp. 115--, 1a,b,c; 2d; 3a,b,c; 4d; 5a; 6a; 7a; 8a; 9a; 10a; 21; 28 (due Friday, 10/16)
Mon10/12 Neville's Method  
Wed10/14 Section 3.2: Divided Differences pp. 127-, 1a, 2a (typo -- "Use Eq. (3.10) or ...."), 3a, 7, 10, 13, 17 (due Friday, 10/30)
Fri10/16 Section 3.3: Hermite Interpolation Exercises pp. 135--, 1bc, 3bc, 6, 10 (due Friday, 11/6)
Mon10/19 Fall Break  
Fri10/23 Section 3.4: Cubic Spline Interpolation For homework: lab, and pp. 152-: 3b; 4d; 5b; 6d; 21; 29 (due Friday, 11/6)
Wed10/28 Section 4.1: Numerical Differentiation pp. 176--, #1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 7b, 9b, 11b, 26, 27 (due Friday, 11/13)
Mon11/2 Section 4.2: Richardson's Extrapolation pp. 184--, #1d, 2d, 3d, 6, 8, 15 (due Friday, 11/20 -- revised date)
Fri11/6 Section 4.3: Elements of Numerical Integration  
Mon11/9   pp. 195--, Part b of exercises 1-12; 14; 19, 20 (Due Monday, 11/23)
Wed11/11 Section 4.4: Compositive Numerical Integration pp. 203--, 1,3,5 (parts bf for each of these); 8, 14, 19 (due 11/30)
Mon11/16 Exam 2  
Wed11/18 Section 4.6: Adaptive quadrature (added) (This section will help us prepare for the project.) Homework: you should provide me with a typed, one-page project proposal by Monday, 11/23. It will include the description of the project you're taking on, indicate whether you're working with a partner or not, and give me an indication of the software you'll be using to work on the project (you'll need to use something that I can access, so that I can test your method).
Fri11/20 Section 5.1: Elementary Theory of Initial-Value Problems pp. 255--, #1d, 3b, 4b (due 12/4)
Wed11/25 Thanksgiving  
Fri11/27 Thanksgiving  
Mon11/30 Section 5.2: Euler's Method pp. 263--, Parts b of #1-4, 11, 12 (due Friday, 12/11)
Fri12/4 Section 5.3: Higher-Order Taylor Methods  
Wed12/9 Section 5.4: Runge-Kutta Methods  
Mon12/14 Rest!  
Wed12/16 Final Exam 1:00-3:00

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