Plan for Mathematics for Liberal Arts

Day Date Activity Assignment (due date in parentheses)
Mon1/12 Welcome, Fun and Games For next time: Read the chapter "Welcome" (pages xi-xiv) and Section 1.1;
Attempt stories #1, 3, 5, 6, 9 from Section 1.1.
You may read Section 1.2 (hints), but do not read 1.3 (solutions)!
Wed1/14 Fun and Games Please read Section 2.1 for next time: Counting

First Homework assignment to submit: Read Sections 1.3 and 1.4, and have a look at section 1.4 problems #2, 5, 8, 9, 14. Part of this assignment will be handed in:

Pick two of those problems to write up and hand in. Your solutions should be typed up -- you can use this template (you can draw any diagrams by hand, but text should be typed). By the way: your work will be graded for presentation (including spelling, grammar, etc.), as well as for mathematical content.

I suggest that you describe one problem that you managed to solve, as well as one that you couldn't. For the one you solved, show me how; for the one you couldn't solve, what did you learn? What is it that stops you from solving it? Provide details.

Due: Monday, 1/26/2009

Mon1/19 MLK, Jr. Holiday  
Wed1/21 Estimation Assignment (hand this in Monday, 2/2) : Estimate the following:

  1. How much do you spend in groceries for a year?
  2. How much gasoline do you use in a year (gallons)? How much do you spend on fuel each year? (This CNN website may prove useful.)
  3. How many times will you breathe today?
  4. How tall is the Lucas Administration building?
  5. The southbound lanes of I-471 are backed up from the Big Mac bridge at the Ohio river, to Nunn drive. How many cars are stuck in traffic on that section?
Your answers should be typed (although figures and diagrams may be hand-drawn).
Mon1/26 Estimation  
Wed1/28 Cancelled!  
Mon2/2 Number Systems  
Wed2/4 Number Systems Assignment 3 is due 2/16.
Mon2/9 Number Systems  
Wed2/11 Approach to Infinity
  • Reading Assignment: for Monday, read sections 3.1 (very short) and 3.2 (infinity!).
  • To hand in (due in a week: 2/18): Section 2.2, problems 16-24.
Mon2/16 Infinity (President's Day)
  • Reading Assignment: for Wednesday, 2/18: read sections 3.4: Travels Toward the Stratosphere of Infinities
  • Problems for Monday, 2/23: Section 3.2, pp. 156-161, Mindscapes #6-8, 14, 15, 20
Wed2/18 More infinity
  • Your assignment for section 3.4 will not be handed in: but it will help prepare you for the exam. Problems: p. 186, #5, 6, 7, 8.
  • For Monday, read section 4.7: The Fourth Dimension
Mon2/23 Dimension  
Wed2/25 Exam 1  
Mon3/2 Dimension Homework, Section 4.7: #5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12; and do a really good job with #19. Due Monday, 3/16.
Wed3/4 Dimension For Monday, 3/16: Please read section 4.3 (the Sexiest Rectangle!)
Mon3/9 Spring Break  
Wed3/11 Spring Break  
Mon3/16 Geometry Homework: Read section 4.5 for next time. Problems, section 4.3, pp. 244-, #2, 3, 9, 12, 14, 15 (due Wednesday, 3/25)
Wed3/18 Geometry Homework: Read section 7.6 for Monday. Do Section 4.5, pp. 284-: #1, 4, 5, 11, 12, 15 (due Monday, 3/30)
Mon3/23 Geometry Section 7.6: Mindscapes #5, 6, 9, 23, 26 (type up #22) (due Wednesday, 4/1)
Wed3/25 Lying with Statistics and Graphs Read section 7.5: Collecting Data Rather than Dust (for Monday); exercises pp. 581-: #1, 3, 4, 8, 12 (due Monday, 4/6).
Mon3/30 Lying with Statistics and Graphs Assignment from section 7.5: pp. 581-: #1, 3, 4, 8, 12. These will be attached to your upcoming exam, coming up 4/8, and constitute 10% of the exam.
Wed4/1 Dynamics For next time: Read section 6.2: The Dynamics of Change
Mon4/6 Dynamics  
Wed4/8 Exam 2  
Mon4/13 Fractals and Trees Read Sections 6.1 and 6.3: fractals for Wednesday.
To hand in next Monday (4/20): pp. 421-, #2, 3, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21
Wed4/15 Fractals and Trees Homework: section 6.3, pp. 450-, #4, 5, 13, 20, 21, 24, 25, 32 (due Wed, 4/22)
Mon4/20 Financial Math Homework: pp. 678-681, #1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12; Type up #20. Due Wednesday, 4/29
Wed4/22 Financial Math  
Mon4/27 Financial Math  
Wed4/29 Show-n-Tell  
Mon5/4 Final Exam  

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.