Take-Home Component of the Final



The data for your take home portion is found here: http://www.nku.edu/~longa/classes/sta205/resources/STA205finalData.xls

  1. For the variable "wasp mass", interpret the histogram on a single page.

  2. Use the appropriate statistical tests to examine the following. For each question, put your answer on one single page:

    1. Are cicada species and location independent? Is a chi-square test appropriate? (for the chi-square you will need to use "tables, contingency, with data" in Statcrunch).

    2. Is there a difference in mean mass between the species of cicadas? If so, which differences are significant?

    3. Is there a linear relationship between the RWL (right wing length) of wasps and the RWL of cicadas? Graph the best fitting regression line.

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.