Beergate in Phillie

Let me back up and say that there are two writers for the Philadelphia papers covering beverages. A woman who is probably descended from the czars, who covers wine for The Inquirer. And Joe Sixpack covers beer for The Daily News.

Anyway, Joe was at Veterans Stadium, which is city-owned, and bought a glass of beer. He expected it to be warm. He expected it to be bad. And his experience as a beer drinker told him that this was not the advertised 18 ounces of beer. In fact, it was 16 ounces of beer for, I think, $4.75 and was billed as 18 ounces of beer.

So Joe goes on a tear with a lot of civic involvement. He had a lot of fans who really got invested in this story and we pounded away. There was a city council investigation. Underneath all of this there was a very smelly 15-year vending contract with the authorized vendor, which the aforementioned Wilson Goode cut many years ago.

I guess the best way to finish this story is to say that on opening day this year the concessionaire dropped the beer prices and is now serving the full 18 ounces of beer. So it was a great victory.


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