Projects for MAT115

This page features tips for your projects.

The best way to understand mathematics is to learn and discover it on one's own.

The best way to describe this project is to imagine that you are responsible for creating the 51st "Mathematical Idea You Really Need to Know" (following the format that Tony uses).

You will select a mathematical topic outside of (or beyond) those covered in our class and textbook, read and teach yourselves any necessary background to understand it, and then write up a four-page description "just like Tony Crilly does". You are strongly encouraged to work with a partner (only one) on this project: by working together, you can learn from each other and share the burdens and joys of the experience.

Various interim steps, reports, and/or presentations will occur throughout the term. Students are invited and encouraged to discuss all phases of the project with me. For example, midway through the course you will be analyzing a pair of Tony's "Mathematical Ideas", and critiquing them.

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.