Assignments, MAT227

Day Date Activity Assignment (due one week (two classes) later, unless otherwise stated)
Mon8/23 Welcome/Introductions Read section 5.1, and prepare to address the question "What are some strategies for calculating the area under a known curve?"

Reflect on the strategies we discuss in class on Monday (start your notebook!); consider your own strategies; then look over the strategies the book offers up. Can you see how to do some of the problems? Which ones have you stumped?

Wed8/25 Section 5.1 Read Section 5.2 (for Monday).

Turn in the following, due Wednesday, 9/1: Page 258: 2, 3, 11, 13, 22. Also answer the following (write a short paragraph for each -- feel free to include figures, doodles, etc.):

  1. Ever hear of the "dirt" formula? d=rt -- distance equals rate time time. What formula does our author prefer to this one, and does it offer any advantages?
  2. Why limits? Isn't it enough to use 10 rectangles to approximate the area under a curve?
  3. All of the methods for computing areas in this section involve chopping the x-axis into equally sized chunks -- any reason they have to be equally sized?
  4. What is the difference between the three rectangular methods? What advantages and disadvantages can you see to each?
  5. What's so special about rectangles? Could we have used other geometrical objects to approximate areas under a curve?
  6. Explain sigma notation to a friend (a classmate is fine), using an example. How did it go?
Mon8/30 Section 5.2 Read section 5.3 for next time: the Fundamental Theorem -- sounds important! Don't wait!

Due Wednesday, 9/8: pp 270--: 1, 4, 8, 12, 14, 32, 44, 46, 48, 52, 70 Also answer the following (usual conditions apply -- see above):

  1. How is a definite integral related to area?
  2. What is a Riemann sum? What's a partition?
  3. What happens to the value of the integral when you change the order of the limits of integration? Why does this make sense?
  4. How are the sample points determined for the three major rules (midpoint, left endpoint, right endpoint)?
  5. Do the ``intermediate points'' have to be equally spaced?
  6. There's a lot going on in this section (check out the summary on p. 269). Pay special attention to all those properties of integrals: which ones are natural, and role off your tongue? Which ones seem strange?
Wed9/1 Section 5.3 Read section 5.4 for next time: the Fundamental Theorem (part II)
Due Monday, 9/13:
Page 276: 2, 10, 22, 25, 26, 29, 32,36, 44, 49
Also answer the following (usual conditions apply -- see above):
  1. Suppose you use one antiderivative for f and I use a completely different one: will we get the same result for the integral?
  2. Like the "dummy" index in sigma notation, there is a "dummy" variable in integrals. Where do we find it, and how can we interpret it?
Mon9/6 Labor Day No Class
Wed9/8 Section 5.4 Read section 5.5 for next time: Net or Total Change as the Integral of a Rate
Due Wednesday, 9/15:
Page 282: 4, 14, 18, 22, 24, 20, 28, 30, 32, 39. Other questions to answer:
  • Why are differentiation and integration not perfect inverse operations? What analogy can you draw with the functions and ?
  • Observe the discussion of the chain rule in Example 4. The generalization is in the section summary, p. 281. Give an example of your own.
  • There are functions -- very important functions -- which don't have elementary anti-derivatives, so we can use the integral to understand them. Give an example.
Mon9/13 Section 5.5 Read section 5.6 for next time: Substitution Method
Due Monday, 9/20:
Page 288: 1, 4, 7, 14, 19, 20, 22, 26.
Wed9/15 Section 5.6 Read section 6.1 for next time: Area between two curves
Due Wednesday, 9/22 (revised -- you can hand it in with the exam):
Page 294: 4, 10, 11, 16, 26, 30, 57, 62, 70
Mon9/20 Section 6.1 Read 6.2 (sometime before we discuss it, Wed. 9/29)
Due Monday, 10/4:
Page 306: 3, 6, 12, 14, 18, 22, 28, 34, 49
Wed9/22 Review Study!
Mon9/27 Exam 1 (through 5.6) Relax
Wed9/29 Section 6.2 Please Read 6.3 for next time
pp. 316: 1, 36, 39, 44, 52 (due Wednesday, 10/6)
Mon10/4 Section 6.3 Visit Gil Strang's website, and see what he has to say about "the magic number e" (watch the video). I consider Gil one of the greatest living masters. What do you think?

Page 325: 4, 6, 11, 14, 18, 20, 24, 27, 36, 38 (due Monday, 10/11)

Wed10/6 Section 7.1 Page 349: 3, 11, 12, 19, 23, 33, 44, 55, 59, 71 (due Wednesday, 10/13)
Mon10/11 Section 7.2 pp. 356-358, 1-7, 17, 18, 28, 30, 43, 44 (due Monday, 10/25 -- revised)
Wed10/13 Section 7.3 Assignment (due Wednesday, 10/27 -- revised):

pp. 364--: 7, 11, 15, 19, 21, 27, 47, 57, 85 Additional questions:

  1. How do you know, by inspecting a graph, that it's the graph of an invertible function?
  2. Given the graph of an invertible function, how do you find the graph of the inverse function?
  3. Carefully draw a diagram of a growing exponential and dying exponential pair; then draw in their inverses.
Mon10/18 Fall Break No Class
Wed10/20 Section 7.3 Try these problems from Section 7.4: Page 371--: 11, 12, 22, 24, 25, 31. Due Monday 11/1.
Mon10/25 Sehnert Lecture  
Wed10/27 Section 7.7 Page 390: 1, 7, 17, 21, 23, 33, 45, 47, 53, 57 (due Wednesday, 11/3).
Mon11/1 Section 7.8 Page 397: 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 17, 29, 39, 41, 61, 77 (due Monday, 11/8)
Wed11/3 Section 7.8, encore  
Mon11/8 Section 8.2/9.1 Page 428: 5, 6, 9, 13, 17, 26, 35, 45, 46, 67 (due Wednesday, 11/17 -- revised)
Wed11/10 Review/Section 9.1 Page 475: #4, 10, 14, 15, 17, 20, 26, 36, 44, 50 (due Monday, 11/29 -- revised again!)
Mon11/15 Test 2 (through 8.2) Relax
Wed11/17 Section 10.1 Application: Newton's Law of Cooling. For homework: visit this website, and do the problems "For your consideration" at the bottom (due: Wednesday, 12/01 -- revised)
Mon11/22 Section 12.1 pp. 611-615, #3, 12, 20, 30, 40, 52, 54, 55, 89 (due Monday, 12/6 -- revised)
Wed11/24 Thanksgiving  
Mon11/29 More Section 12.1  
Wed12/1 Section 12.2 Exam II correction is due.
Mon12/6 Section 12.3 A few problems to consider from sections 12.2 and 12.3, in preparation for the exam (these problems are likely targets!): pp. 620-621, #2, 3, 12, 17, 23; pp. 627-630, #4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 22.
Wed12/8 Review/catch up Study
Mon12/13 No Class Prepare
Wed12/15 Final: 6:45 - 8:45 p.m. Relax! Enjoy!

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.