For the exam, I hope that you'll have a better understanding of the Game of Life. There was lots of trouble.
You must get comfortable with compounding: some of you are stuck on simple interest.
New assignment:
More Fractals
No new assignment in preparation for the next exam.
The exam will cover 4.7, 5.2, 6.1-6.3 (and Fortunatus's purse!).
Do you have questions about the homework?
Today: More Fractals
The collage making process:
Last time we made fractals from
one dimensional sticks, and
from two-dimensional triangles and squares
The crucial thing was to have two things:
A simple rule to apply to the original object,
resulting in more of the original object (so that we can do it again, and again, and again....)
Our "mirror image" process is an example of a different way of making fractals: it's called the "collage" process. (Here's the latest "mirror gallery").
Let's look at some others (see p. 437)
The Chaos game - generating fractals using random movement! (p. 447)
Once again, simple rules lead to complex
objects. This time, however, we don't proceed
methodically, but rather haphazardly - and yet we still
produce the complex images!