Evaluation Form
MAT115 Poster Session

Your name: ____________________________
I expect you to take a real interest in your peers' work. One way of demonstrating that you have done so is to give some valuable feedback to me (and to the presenters). For each poster/presentation, you should give at least one of either
  1. a compliment,
  2. some constructive criticism, or
  3. a question that you've thought of because you've seen their poster/presentation.
Please be aware that I'll share these with the presenters. Enjoy!

EricaC C/Q/CC:

Nicholas C/Q/CC:

Courtney C/Q/CC:

Anthony C/Q/CC:

Maurice C/Q/CC:

RachelJ C/Q/CC:

Michael C/Q/CC:

Stephanie C/Q/CC:

Amy C/Q/CC: