Assignments for Mat129: Calculus I

Exams have been tentatively scheduled as follows:

Day Date Activity Assignment
Mon1/11 Welcome
  • Look over chapter 1; what questions do you have?
  • Read section 2.1.
  • Go to on-line homework website, IMathAS (, log-in and try the Homework Practice Problems (due Tuesday night, at 11:59!)
  • Begin the Review (chapter 1) exercises on the IMathAS website. You have a week for those.
Tue1/12 section 2.1
  • Go to on-line homework website, IMathAS (, log-in and try the Homework Problems for section 2.1 (due Tuesday night, at 11:59!)
  • Read section 2.2.
  • Problems to hand in Thursday, 1/21): pp. 48--, #17, 20, 21, 22
Thu1/14 Finish section 2.1; KEMTP exam
  • Remember to go to the on-line homework website, IMathAS (, and continue working on Homework Problems for section 2.1 (due Tuesday night, at 11:59!)
  • Read section 2.2 for Tuesday.
  • Problems to hand in (Thursday, 1/21): pp. 48--, #17, 20, 21, 22
Tue 1/19 Section 2.2
  • Read 2.3 for Thursday
  • Begin your 2.2 on-line IMathAS ( homework assignment (due Tuesday, 1/26, by midnight)
  • By hand: pp. 59--, #53, 56, 61 (due Thursday, 1/28, in class)
Thu 1/21 Section 2.3
  • Read 2.4.
  • Begin problem set 2.3 on IMathAS (due Thursday, 1/28, at midnight).
Mon 1/25 Section 2.3/2.4
  • Read 2.5.
  • Begin problem set 2.4 on IMathAS (due Monday, 2/1, at midnight).
  • By hand, for Tuesday, 2/2: pp. 73, #77, 78, 79
Tue 1/26 Section 2.4/2.5
  • Read 2.7.
  • Begin problem set 2.5 on IMathAS (due Thursday, 2/4, at midnight).
Thr 1/28 Section 2.6/2.7
Mon 2/1 Section 2.7/3.1
  • Read 3.2.
  • Hand in the following for grading:
    pp. 106--, #69-72 (due Monday, 2/8)
Tue 2/2 Section 3.1/3.2
  • Read 3.3.
  • Begin on-line homework assignments 3.1 and 3.2 (due Monday, 2/8)
Thu 2/4 Section 3.2/3.3
  • Read 3.4
  • Begin on-line homework assignments 3.3 (due Thursday, 2/11)
  • By hand: pp. 118, #61, 65, 66 (due Tuesday, 2/9)
Mon 2/8 Section 3.2-3.4
  • Begin on-line homework assignments 3.4 (due Tuesday, 2/16)
  • By hand: pp. 137, #52-54 (due Thursday, 2/18)
Tue 2/9 Section 3.3 Problems
  • For Tuesday: read section 3.5.
Mon 2/22 Section 3.5
  • Read 3.6 and 3.7
  • Problems to hand in: pp. 141-, #39-44 (due Mon, 3/1)

    Note on homework problem #40, p. 141: remove the label "Distance" from the graph, then answer the question.

Tue 2/23 Section 3.5; Trig Derivatives; the Chain rule
  • Begin on-line homework for sections 3.5 (due Mon, 3/1) and 3.6 (due Tue, 3/2)
Thu 2/25 Section 3.6 and the Chain rule
  • Read 3.9: Related Rates
  • Begin on-line homework for sections 3.7 (called 3.7a, due Fri, 3/5).
  • Problems to hand in: p. 154, #82-85 (due Thu, 3/4)
Mon 3/1 Section 3.9
  • Read 4.1: Applications of the Derivative
  • Begin on-line homework for section 4.1 (due Mon. 3/15)
  • Problems to hand in: Section 3.9, p. 169, #40-45 (due Mon. 3/15)
Tue 3/2 Section 3.9 (examples)
  • Read 4.2: Max/Mins
Thu 3/4 Section 4.1
  • Read 4.2 (if you haven't already): Max/Mins
  • Read 4.7 to understand Newton's method
  • Problems to hand in: Section 4.1, p. 180, #22, 27, 31, 32, 52, 53 (due Thu. 3/18)
  • Begin on-line homework for 4.7 (due Wed. 3/17)
Mon 3/15 Section 4.2
  • Read 4.3 (if you haven't already): Mean Value Theorem
  • Begin on-line homework for 4.2 (due Wed. 3/24)
Tue 3/16 Section 4.2 No new assignment
Thu 3/18 Section 4.2 No new assignment in preparation for the exam
Tue 3/23 Section 4.2 & 4.3 Read 4.4 and 4.5 -- we'll talk Thursday about how to put all this together to graph a function.

Begin on-line homework for 4.3 (due Tue. 3/30)

Thu 3/25 Section 4.4 & 4.5 Read 4.6 -- optimization is what it's all about!

Begin on-line homework for 4.5 (due Thu. 4/1)

Problems to hand in -- see the on-line homework.

Mon 3/29 Section 4.6 Optimization.

Begin on-line homework for 4.6 (due Mon. 4/5)

Tue 3/30 Section 4.6 More Optimization.

Read 4.8 -- anti-derivatives

Problems to hand in: pp. 227-, 11, 15, 27, 51 (due Tue, 4/6).

Thu 4/1 Section 4.8 Anti-derivatives

Begin On-line homework for 4.8 (due 4/8).

Mon 4/5 Section 5.1 Read 5.2;

Begin On-line homework for 5.1 (due 4/12).

Tue 4/6 Section 5.1/5.2 Read 5.3 for Thursday;

Begin homework for 5.2: pp. 270-272, #7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 26, 63, 69, 74, 75, 77 (to hand in -- due 4/13).

Thu 4/8 Section 5.2 Read 5.3 for Monday;

Homework for 5.2: pp. 270-272, #7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 26, 63, 69, 74, 75, 77 (to hand in -- due 4/13).

Mon 4/12 Section 5.2/5.3 Read 5.4 for tomorrow;

Online Homework for 5.3: Finding areas and the fundamental theorem (due 4/19)

Tue 4/13 Section 5.3/5.4 Read 5.5 for Thursday;
Thu 4/15 Section 5.3/5.4 Read 5.5 for Monday;

Problems to hand in: pp. 282-284, #3, 7, 12, 22, 24, 25, 27, 43, 44 (due 4/22)

Mon 4/19 Section 5.5 Read 5.6 for Thursday

Begin on-line homework "FTC and Area Between Two Curves" (due 4/25)

Thu 4/22 Section 5.6 Read 6.1 and 6.2 for Monday

Begin on-line homework "Homework: Substitution" (due 4/30) -- this is our last homework. The rest will be extra credit, which can substitute for other homeworks on which you didn't do as well.

Mon 4/26 Section 6.1 Read 6.3 for Tuesday
Tue 4/27 Section 6.2 Read 6.3 and 6.4 for Thursday

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.