Wed | 4/7 | Genetics | For 4/15: Please read codes (p. 160). This is very appropriate, given that we just heard from Alex Kuhl about security.... |
"Here's one thing I wanted to mention but I kind of forgot about it since you didn't have the computer or project kicking. This is a very apt description of what you do for industry versus academia in my experiences, so you may want to forward it on to the seminar students. Also, feel free to give them my e-mail ( if they have any questions for me."
Last year, we had approximately 10 teams participate in the race, and it took about two hours to complete. Thanks for passing this along! BrookeBe there.... Brooke asked me to tell you to sign up by tomorrow, Thursday.
Our poster session will be Wednesday, May 5th, from 1-3 (that's the closest I could find to our class in the exam schedule).