Assignments for Complex Analysis

Day Date Activity Assignment
Mon 1/11 Welcome Read Sections 1 and 2 (from handout); begin homework problems: pp 5--, #1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 15 (due Wednesday, 1/20)
Wed 1/13 Sections 1,2 Read Sections 3-5 (from handout); begin homework problems: pp 11--, #1a,b; 4; 6b; 13; 15a; 17; 19a (due Monday, 1/25)
Fri 1/15 Sections 3,4 Read Sections 5,6 (from handout)
Wed 1/20 Sections 5,6 Read Section 7 (from handout); pp. 20--, #1b, 2b, 3c, 4, 6, 14, 17, 18, 19 (due Friday, 1/29)
Fri 1/22 Sections 6,7 Read Section 8 (from handout)
Mon 1/25 Sections 8, "9"
  1. Read first two sections of chapter 2 (I assume that it's on functions and mappings -- who needs a copy?)
  2. p. 25, #1, 2, 3 (justify all! -- answers are given); 6, 7, 9, 10. Due Mon, 2/1.
Wed 1/27 Sections 8 (5th), 11 (7th)
  1. Now using reference only to the 7th edition: Read 12, 13
  2. p. 35, #2, 3, 4 (justify all! -- answers are given). Due Wed, 2/3.
Fri 1/29 11-12 (7th)
  1. Now using reference only to the 7th edition: Read 13, 14; problems to come!
Mon 2/1 12-13
  1. Read sections 14, 15
  2. pp. 42, #1, 3, 4, 6, 8a (due Mon, 2/8)
Wed 2/3 13-14
  1. Read sections 15, 16, 17
Fri 2/5 14-16
  1. Read sections 16, 17
  2. Problems pp. 53, #2ac, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12 (Due with exam 1, Wed, 2/10)
Mon 2/8 15-17
  1. Prepare for exam. The exam will cover through section 15.
  2. No new reading or problems.
Fri 2/12 17-18
  1. Read 18 and 19
  2. Exercises to be determined.
Wed 2/17 18-19
  1. Read 20 and 21
  2. Homework, pp. 59--, #1, 4, 6, 8, 9 (due Wednesday, 2/24)
Fri 2/19 Discuss test; 20
  1. Read 21-23
  2. Homework to be determined.
Mon 2/22 21-22
  1. Read 23-25
  2. pp. 68-, #1, 2, 3b, 4a, 6, 9 (due Monday, 3/1)
Wed 2/24 24-25
  1. Read 28-29 (first two sections of chapter 3 -- we're skipping 26 and 27)
  2. pp. 74-, #1cd, 2bc, 5, 7b (due Wed., 3/3)
  3. pp. 78-, #1c, 2, 5, 6, 8 (due Fri., 3/5)
Fri 2/26 25, 28, 29
  1. Read 30-31 (chapter 3)
  2. problems to follow
Mon 3/1 28-30
  1. Read 31-33 (chapter 3)
  2. problems: pp. 89--, #1, 4, 5, 8, 13 (due Mon, 3/15)
Wed 3/3 29-31
  1. Read sections 32-34
  2. problems: pp. 94--, #2, 4, 5, 6, 11 (due Wed, 3/17)
Fri 3/5 31-34
  1. I would like you to finish off chapter 3 on your own.
  2. We're jumping now to Chapter 8 (Mapping by Elementary Functions), on our way to conformal mapping. Read sections 83-85 (should go quickly -- we've already seen much of this); we'll review that, then jump into section 86 (mobius transformation)
  3. Problems: pp. 99, #1a, 2, 5; pp. 103, #1, 2, 13 (these will form part of the exam, in lieu of being handed in)
Wed 3/17 87-88
  1. Read 90 for this Friday/Wednesday (exam Monday!)
  2. With section 90 we'll finish with chapter 8; then I'll then give you a comic book version of chapter 9, and we'll jump to a few applications from chapter 10. Today we're going to polish up the Mobius transformation
  3. Problems: to come....
Fri 3/19 88-89
  1. Read 90 for Wed., 3/24
  2. With section 90 we'll finish with chapter 8; then I'll then give you a comic book version of chapter 9, and we'll jump to a few applications from chapter 10.

    Today we're going to finish up the Mobius transformation

  3. Problems: pp. 305-, #2, 4, 8, 13; p. 312, #2, 5, 6, 7 (due Mon, 3/29)
Mon 3/22 Exam 2
Wed 3/24 89-90
  1. Continue working on your take-home portion
  2. Problems: pp. 323-, #6-8; pp. 328-, #1-4 (due Fri, 4/2)
Fri 3/26 My comic book version of conformal mappings
  1. Continue working on your take-home portion
  2. Whoops: "Problems, pp. 328, #1-5 (due Mon, 4/5)" redundent....
Wed 3/31 Examples of conformal mappings
  1. Problems: pp. 358, #3, 6, 8, 9 (due Wed., 4/7)
Fri 4/2 More Examples of conformal mappings
  1. Read sections 36 and 37, pp. 111--.
  2. Problems: pp. 370, #4, 5 (due Fri., 4/9)
Mon 4/5 Wrap up conformal mapping; begin integration
  1. Read sections 38-40
  2. Problems: pp. 115, #1, 3, 5, 7 (due Mon., 4/12)
Wed 4/7 Continue basic integration
  1. Read sections 41-43
  2. Problems: pp. 129, #1bc, 3, 7, 10 (due Wed., 4/14)
Mon 4/12 Through 46
  1. Read sections 47-49
  2. Last regular homework (due Wednesday, 4/21): pp. 134, #3, 7; pp. 141, #1, 3
Wed 4/14 Through 46
  1. Read sections 47-48
  2. First problem for take-home final: p. 154, #3
Fri 4/16 Exam 3
Mon 4/19 Through 49
  1. Read sections 49; start 55-56
  2. Second problem for take-home final: p. 164, #8
Wed 4/21 Section 49; 55-56
  1. Read sections 62-64
  2. Third problem(s) for take-home final: p. 198, #1 and 6 (sorry about giving two, but they're pretty easy, and the answers are given!).
Fri 4/23 Section 55-56; 62?
  1. Read sections 62-64; 71
Mon 4/26 Sections 62-63
  1. Read sections 71-72 for Wednesday.
  2. Another final exam take-home problem: p. 230, #1e (changed a little bit: find the residues at all isolated singular points).
Wed 4/28 Sections 71-72
  1. Another final exam take-home problem: p. 257, #6
Fri 4/30 Sections 71-72
  1. No more final problems! You're done....
  2. Final: May 5th, 10:10
  3. I'll be around next week, MT 9:00-1:00; or email me to set up a time!

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.