Day Date Activity Assignment
Mon8/22 Day 1: Introduction Homework set 1 (due Friday, 9/2): pp 12--, #7, 8, 16, 20, and three other problems of your choice (please choose interesting problems -- not just the easiest ones!;)
Wed8/24 Sets and Functions Please finish reading the first section (sets and functions) for Friday, 8/26. Continue working on your homework.
Fri8/26 Sets and Functions No new assignment. Continue working on homework.
Mon8/29 Sets and Functions Please read section 1.2, up to mathematical induction, for next time.
Wed8/31 Properties of the Real Numbers Please finish 1.2 for next time. Problems to come! Finish your current problem set first, however...;)
Fri9/2 Properties of the Real Numbers Homework set 1 due. New homework set: pp. 23, #4, 13, and two others (your choice); pp. 33--, #4, 14, and two others. Due Friday 9/16.
Mon9/5 Labor Day No Class
Wed9/7 Properties of the Real Numbers Please read section 1.3 for Monday.
Fri9/9 Completeness  
Mon9/12 Completeness Please read section 2.1 for Friday.
Wed9/14 Completeness  
Fri9/16 Sequences of Real Numbers Homework set 2 due
Mon9/19 Sequences of Real Numbers  
Wed9/21 Sequences of Real Numbers  
Fri9/23 Exam 1  
Mon9/26 Subsequences Please read 2.2 for next time.
Wed9/28 Subsequences  
Fri9/30 Presentations Exam set 1 due (delayed until Monday)
Mon10/3 Subsequences Exam set 1 due
Wed10/5 Subsequences Homework (due Friday, 10/14): Section 2.1, pp. 46--, #1, 24, and two of your choice (that we didn't do together!); Section 2.2, pp. 51, #6, 11, 16, and two of your choice.
Fri10/7 Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem  
Mon10/10 Bolzano-Weierstrass  
Wed10/12 Bolzano-Weierstrass  
Fri10/14 Bolzano-Weierstrass Homework set 3 due; New assignment (part I): #12, 15, 17, p. 59 and two of your own choice. Due 10/28.
Mon10/17 Fall Break No Class
Wed10/19 Topology of the Reals  
Fri10/21 Topology of the Reals  
Mon10/24 Topology of the Reals  
Wed10/26 Topology of the Reals  
Fri10/28 Topology of the Reals Homework set 4 due
Mon10/31 Topology of the Reals Problem set #5: Please do the following five problems for Monday, 11/7:
  • #3, p. 71
  • #6
  • #15
  • #20
  • #21
Wed11/2 Limits and Continuity  
Fri11/4 Limits and Continuity: Exam 2 -- postponed until 11/11  
Mon11/7 Limits and Continuity  
Wed11/9 Limits and Continuity  
Fri11/11 Exam 2  
Mon11/14 Limits and Continuity  
Wed11/16 Mean Value Theorems  
Fri11/18 Take-home Presentations Exam 2 problem set due.

Homework set 5 assignment (due Wed, 11/30):

  1. #3, p. 90
  2. #6, p. 90
  3. #11, p. 90
  4. #31, p. 92
Mon11/21 Monotone and Inverse Functions  
Wed11/23 Thanksgiving No Class
Fri11/25 Thanksgiving No Class
Mon11/28 Monotone and Inverse Functions Homework set 6: pp. 102-, #2b, 4, 12; pp. 113, #2, 15.
Wed11/30 Monotone and Inverse Functions Homework set #5 due
Fri12/2 The Derivative of a Function  
Mon12/5 The Derivative of a Function  
Wed12/7 The Derivative of a Function  
Fri12/9 Review Homework set 6 due
Mon12/12 Final 10:10 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.