- Announcements:
- Last day! We have a final next week. Today is review.
- I wish that you could have been with me in Washington, talking
about how
to "tinker" with the climate(!)
- I'm sorry that I don't have your last assignment graded yet. I'll
have it tomorrow, and will put the homeworks on my door. Let's go over
that homework so that we're all
in on the answers, at any rate....
- Logistics for the final:
- You may have two kinds of cheat sheets:
- You have old material, which was covered on the first two
tests, as well as new material (graphs and knots). You should
review your tests and the keys which are on-line. There will be
some similarity (maybe much similarity!).
- To make the final more interesting, if your final is
better than your lower of the two hourly exams, I'll replace
the lower grade with the higher final grade.
- Let's revisit the topics we've covered:
- First exam:
- Probability
- Birthday problem
- Let's make a deal problem
- Complementary events
- etc.
- "Primitive counting" (counting by partition)
- Babylonian mathematics
- Mayan mathematics
- Egyptian multiplication and division
- Bases
- Second exam:
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Fibonacci Nim
- Fibonacci spirals
- Golden rectangles
- Pascal's triangle
- Platonic Solids
- Final exam:
- Graphs and trees
- Knots and links
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.