- Announcements:
- Finals next week, hooray! (Maybe you think that it's a little premature to celebrate....:) In any event, here's a message for you, from Oscar Brown, Jr. (from Between Heaven and Hell)
- Logo day winners!
- Logistics for the final:
- You may have two kinds of cheat sheets:
- You have old material, which was covered on the
first two tests, as well as new material. You should
review your tests and the keys which are
on-line. There will be considerable similarity.
- To make the final more interesting, if the "old
part" of the final is better than your lower of the
two hourly exams, I'll replace the lower grade with
the higher final grade.
- Your homeworks are returned:
- You were supposed to use the KNOT TILES
- I've got to see the overs and unders
- Logos are returned (for those who handed in paper reports; for
those of you who emailed, I'll email your grade and comments --
sorry I haven't done those yet).
- Let's revisit the topics we've covered:
- First exam:
- Probability
- Birthday problem
- Let's make a deal problem
- Complementary events
- Pascal's triangle
- etc.
- Morse code
- Babylonian mathematics
- Mayan mathematics
- Egyptian multiplication and division
- Second exam:
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Fibonacci Nim
- Fibonacci spirals
- Golden rectangles
- Fractals
- WWAW -- World Within A World
- area and stick fractals
- Frascal's triangle (Pascal's as a fractal)
- Graphs (simple -- e.g. Facebook, Euler)
- New for the Final exam (do your reading!):
- Graphs (e.g. directed and labelled -- Google PageRank, World War One graph)
- Knots and links -- don't forget your overs and unders!
- Mobius bands
- Infinity
- Several readings:
- Lonely Numbers (Primes and prime factorization)
- Love me not (dynamics)
- Commuting (when order doesn't matter)
Website maintained by Andy Long.
Comments appreciated.