Last time: Section 4.1 | Next time: Section 4.2 |
If speeds are constant, we know how to compute distance travelled, using the dirt method:
But what if the data suggest that the speeds are changing?
After a little thought, we might come up with these two strategies:
Both strategies are good. They give different values. Each rectangular method we discussed last time gives a different average of the speeds. A straight average of the speed data does not correspond to any of our methods used so far.
Our objective is to find the strategies that give the best estimates in general. For that reason, we're going to focus on the second strategy, the "rectangle methods".
Last time five different rectangle based methods were mentioned:
and create the Trapezoidal rule: the average of the previous two methods:
(notice that
that is, that
Using "Sigma" notation makes the formulas look a lot nicer:
Then, in fact, the area may be obtained as a limit (in many cases):
Now our book focuses on the RRR (see Definition 2, p. 289), but as you can see we could use any of our methods (including the trapezoidal or Simpson's) and get the same result. The area is a limit of these methods as the subinterval size goes to zero.
Look at Figure 13 on p. 289. Where would you like smaller rectangles, and where could you get away with larger rectangles?
Can you come up with a general rule?
#29, p. 295 (we'll finish it off)