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You won't have a homework on these, but might be expected to reproduce some of those we'll examine together (or examples from the sections) for the final exam.
We can think of every point on the plane as being given as the intersection of a vertical and a horizontal line. These lines give rise to the xy-coordinates of a point.
Alternatively, you can think of every point in the plane being given by the
intersection of a circle centered at the origin, with given radius , and of a ray coming out from the origin
at a given angle
from the
positive x-axis (the "polar axis"). These coordinates give rise to the polar
representation of the plane.
If you look over the pictures in this section, you will see that there are many beautiful curves that one can create using polar coordinates and polar plots.
See, for example, p. 685 -- which should remind you of a spirograph, if any of you are that old....
The polar coordinate system was introduced by Newton, an alternative to the Cartesian coordinate system. It is especially useful for constructing or representing objects which exhibit radial symmetry (e.g. a circle).
In the polar coordinate system every point in the plane is expressed by its
distance and direction (angle) from the origin (called the pole). The
polar axis plays the role formerly played by the positive
x-axis. The polar
coordinates are often given as , where
Here it is:
We represent the point P in one of two ways -- in rectangular
coordinates (x,y), or in polar coordinates . We can represent any point of
the plane in either of those ways. Note, however, that we have a certain level
of redundancy in the polar coordinate system.
Look at the origin, for example.
Furthermore, we think of as an angle, and the plane is
obviously then represented in a
-periodic way.
Suppose we allow r to be negative in the image above: then we may think
of the point above as the point
(for example), or
for that matter.
So now curves are given in terms of r and rather than x and y,
(but notice that and
are both given implicitly).
The easiest way to get the length of a polar curve is to use parametrics. Let's do it that way.
For the area, let's start with a circle of radius r, centered at the origin, and see how we might adapt the "familiar formulas" to more exotic shapes, until we obtain
Now, to some exercises: