MAT360: Numerical Analysis
Spring, 2015
Attitude: your best friend, or worst enemy
Course Materials:
Learning Objectives
Project 1: see
for a description
Project 2
Project 3
Daily Agendas/Summaries
Chapter 1 and 2:
Day 1: Welcome!
Day 2: sections 1.3 and 1.4
Day 3: still making errors....
Day 4: machine representations
Day 5: machine representations
Day 6: Algorithm mishaps
Chapter 3:
Day 7: An approach to root finding
Day 8: Intro root finding
Day 9: More root finding
Day 10: More root finding
Day 11: More root finding
Day 12: Exam 1
Day 13: Wrapping up root finding
snow day
Day 14: Wrapping up root finding
snow day
Chapter 5:
Day 15: Interpolation
Day 16: More Interpolation
Day 17: Big-Oh, Secant convergence
Day 18: Splines
Day 19: Splines/Differentiation
Chapter 7:
Day 19: Splines/Differentiation
Day 20: Differentiation/Integration
Day 21: Review/Integration
Day 22: Exam 2
Day 23: Composite integration
Day 24: Adaptive quadrature
Chapter 8:
Day 25: Euler's method
Day 26: Taylor methods
Day 27: Runge-Kutta methods
Day 28: Final thoughts
Some results that I've worked up:
order of convergence of the secant method
quadratics don't have to look like ax^2+bx+c
If you like, you can
use Blackboard for discussion of homework
Numerical Recipes
Abramowitz and Stegun: Handbook of Mathematical Functions
-- some lisp routines I may use throughout the semester
When it comes time for course evaluations, please visit
wiki materials
Feel free to
email me
with your questions.
Departmental Syllabus
Taking tests in my classes
Suggestions for the NKU Math/CS student
Website maintained by
Andy Long
. Comments appreciated.