Assignments: Mat360

Day Date Activity Assignment (due one week from assignment date, unless otherwise stated)
Tue1/13 Welcome/Intro Homework 1 (for next time):

  • read pages xiii-12, and begin Homework problem set 1, p. 11, #1-8 (note these will be due Tuesday, next week).
  • See if you can get Mathematica installed on some machine of your own, or one you have access to. If not, you'll have to find a computer on campus where you can use Mathematica. Once you have access, begin working through Appendix A: Getting Started with Mathematica.
  • Read on into Sections 1.3-1.5, if you're able. (We'll be talking about it next time.)
  • If you get Mathematica up and working, you might give the second computer problem on p. 11 a try.

Thu1/15 Sections 1.3-1.5 Make sure to finish reading sections 1.3-1.5 by next time, when we'll wrap up chapter 1, and begin chapter 2.

I hope that you'll have read to p. 43 (through 2.2) by Tuesday next.

Homework problem set 2: p. 14, #3 (you may use the results of #1 and 2, which we will have done in class); p. 20, #1,2,5-7.

Tue1/20 Sections 1.5, 2.1-2.2; Homework problem set 1 due. Homework set 3 (due Thursday, 1/29):
  • Homework Problems:

    • p. 28, #1, 4, 5, 8, 14
    • p. 35, #1 (and what would be the disadvantages?), 3, 8

    Computer project #1 (due 2/5): Write computer code that converts between two arbitrary bases (any integer base between 2 and 10). Demonstrate that your code works on the following examples, and try a few examples of your own:

    1. Write in base 8.
    2. Write in base 2.
    3. Write in base 10.
    If it has some nice interface, all the better! Computer problem #1, p. 37 describes a procedure for converting from base 10 to base 2....

    I should be able to run your program with examples of my own, to check it.

    Provide a 2-3 page description of your program, including how it behaves on the examples, what you like about it, etc. These projects will be posted on a website for others to view, and try.

  • Thu1/22 Homework problem set 2 due. Homework set 4 (Due Tue, 2/3 -- note: I've moved the p. 54 problems to later):

    • p. 42, #1, 3, 5
    • p. 48, #1bcd, 2, 5, 6

    Tue1/27 Continuing with Chapter 2 No new assignment - you've got enough!
    Thu1/29   Homework Set 5 (due 2/10):

    • p. 54, #3, 5, 12
    • p. 68, #1, 2, 3, 7, 12, 13

    Tue2/3 Begin Chapter 3. Please read through p. 91.  
    Thu2/5 Bisection and Newton's Method Project 1 due
    Tue2/10   Homework Set 6 (due Thursday, 2/26 -- deadline extended):

    • p.77 #1; use bisection to find the m=4 root.
    • p.80 #1
    • p.88 #2,4,7,8

    Thu2/12 root-finding  
    Tue2/17 root-finding  
    Thu2/19 Cold day!  
    Tue2/24 Exam 1  
    Thu2/26 The end of root-finding Please read into chapter 5: pp. 169-185. Homework #7 (due Thursday, 3/5): derive Muller's method, which generalizes the Secant method. Given , we seek a root such that .

    1. Given three initial guesses, , , and ; find the unique quadratic that passes through the three points .
    2. Find the zeros of this quadratic (use a sensible choice of formula for finding the roots).
    3. Make a sensible choice of root to replace "the oldest guess" .
    4. Describe how to iterate (Do it again!).
    5. Illustrate the method graphically, and numerically, for the function .
    6. Explain how Muller's method will allow us to find complex roots with an example (e.g. ).

    Tue3/3 Interpolation  
    Tue3/10 Spring Break  
    Thu3/12 Spring Break  
    Thu3/19   Project 2 was scheduled to be due (new due date: 3/24). Homework: due Thursday, 3/26:

    1. p. 178, #2, 3
    2. p. 181, #6
    3. p. 190, #1, 2, 8
    4. p. 221, #7, 10

    Tue3/31   Please read this description of Bezier splines; I'll say more about your project next time.

    Homework: due Tuesday, 4/7:

    1. On the computer: Follow the lead of my Mathematica file to create a Hermite cubic spline (stitched together with three cubics) to over the interval . Choose equally spaced values.

      1. Plot the difference between and the Hermite spline on the domain.
      2. Compute the approximation at and and
      3. Use the appropriate divided difference to bound the error on each of the sub-intervals.

    2. p. 179, #8
    3. p. 190, #4, 7
    4. p. 221, #9, 17

    Thu4/9 Exam 2  
    Tue4/14 Leading up to adaptive quadrature Homework (due 4/21):

    1. p. 264, #1, 3
    2. p. 281, #1, but do it for all three methods; 2, 15
    3. p. 293, #1, 4a (I'm not sure about b!), 5

    Thu4/16 We'll finish numerical integration with adaptive quadrature Please read the introductory section for ODEs (chapter 8). It's really quite a nice introduction (reminder) about why we're interested in solving ODEs, how to solve them analytically in a few cases, and a history of numerical solutions (dating back to the mid 1700s).

    Homework (due Thursday, 4/23): Break my adaptive integration code.

    • What makes it fail?
    • How can you improve it?

    Write up very explicit problems, and suggest solutions. Two pages, typed.

    Tue4/21 Euler's method Please read 8.4 for next time.
    Thu4/23 Taylor methods Please read 8.5 for next time.
    Tue4/28 Runge-Kutta methods  
    Thu4/30 Review Project 3 due (revised due date);

    Assignment for final:

    Given the Initial Value Problem

    1. Find the exact solution.

    2. Approximate the solution numerically on the interval [0,1], creating a table of estimates at each step using for each of the following methods:
      1. Euler's method
      2. Taylor 2
      3. RK-2
      4. Taylor 4
      5. RK-4

    3. Create a similar table, but for the absolute errors each method is making at each step (compare to the exact solution).

    4. Repeat the process for (half the step-size).

    5. Use the results to estimate the order of accuracy of each method. Do they seem to be in line with what's expected?

    This will be due and handed in at the time of the final.
    Thu5/7 Final Exam: 1:00-3:00 pm  

    Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.