MAT194: Assignments

Day Date Activity Assignment (due one week from assignment date, unless otherwise stated)
Wed1/10 Welcome: Objectives Read A Mathematician's Lament, by Paul Lockhart. We will be discussing it next time.
Wed1/17 Discuss "Lockhart's Lament" Easy in-class quiz over Lockhart. Just to see if you read it!

Your assignment for next time: type up a two-page dialogue of your own, using Lockhart's characters. Insert an experience of your own, to bolster the claim of one or the other. Try to see the other side's point of view, however!

Wed1/24 Let's play! Tic-Tac-Toe Your job (due next class, 1/31): prove that you can't be beaten if you know what you're doing! As you write up your proof/solutions, remember Lockhart's words of wisdom about proofs: "A proof should be an epiphany from the Gods, not a coded message from the Pentagon." But, while your "proof" may not look like an epiphany from the Gods (that's a high bar), please try especially to avoid making it look like a coded message from the Pentagon....

Does your proof "play" with a non-math major? Could they understand it?

Wed1/31 Greg Lemmon (Statistics: Eureka Ranch) Write up your comments for next time.
Wed2/7 Happy Ice Day No comments: it was real quiet!
Wed2/14 Jen Quammen (Biology: High Performance Living) Write up your comments for next time.
Wed2/21 Kari Stewart (Math Education: Children's Hospital) Write up your comments for next time.
Wed2/28 Laura Farro (Undergraduate: math/stat/physics) Write up your comments for next time.
Wed3/7 Spring Break  
Wed3/14 Math as Art, Music, and Beauty (Professors Steve Wilkinson and Andy Long) Write up your comments for next time.
Wed3/21 Math in History (Professor Emeritus Dan Curtin) Write up your comments for next time.
Wed3/28 Math in Government and Education (Professor Dan McGee, Director of the Kentucky Center for Mathematics) Write up your comments for next time.
Wed4/4 Math in Business (Steve Long) Write up your comments for next time.
Wed4/11 Discussion Summary of all speakers, with focus on your answers to our class questions Submit a poster mockup for next time.
Wed4/18 Poster Discussions/Prep Finish your preliminary poster for next time!
Wed4/25 In-Class (preliminary) Poster Session Write up your paper and submit by May 2nd.
Mon4/30 Open Poster Session Submit your final poster write-up by May 2nd.