Jen Quammen Answers Questions

  1. How do you manage all that stress from all that school and work and still be successful?

    I think I have learned to make stress my friend. Ultimately you cannot remove the stress from your life - but you can learn to respond (rather than react in the moment). Having a healthy workout routine is also helpful. 

  2. Do you have to be persistent with most of the vets or do a lot of them accept the idea of having to take care of themselves and are therefore easy sells?

    I have to be very persistent - because most vets think they know everything - about animals, about health and therefore themselves. I think the crushing debt, compassion fatigue, burnout and (unfortunately) suicides eventually impact people and then they realize there's an issue they want/need to address. 

  3. What does a weekday usually consist of for you? I know you do different things on different days, but what's something you do every day?

    Every day is different. Generally my routine consists of good (uninterrupted) sleep, lots of water consumption and meditation of some sort. When I'm in a clinic I'm generally on my feet 9-5 or 6 - usually in surgery until 1 or so then seeing patients in the afternoons (well visits, vaccinations, bloodwork, etc). Days I'm not in a clinic I tend to be more doing more computer work for HPL - creating blogs and/or social media content and coaching clients (over videoconferencing normally 60 minutes per session). 

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