MAT194 - Mathematical Sciences Seminar - Spring, 2018

INSTRUCTOR: Andy Long. Office: MEP 443; phone: 572-5794; email:

MEETING TIME/PLACE: 11:00-11:50 (W), MEP314

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Introduction to disciplines in mathematical sciences; readings and discussions pertaining to the mathematical sciences. Topics vary.

TEXT: None

GRADING: Pass/Fail

OUTCOMES: This class is designed to give the student opportunities to improve their knowledge of the mathematical sciences in general and to improve the student's ability to read, write, and discuss mathematics and statistics. In this course, students will have the opportunity to:

ASSESSMENT: This is a pass/fail course. The requirements to pass the course are completing all of the following at an acceptable level.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance and participation is essential in a seminar course like this one.

WITHDRAWAL: The last day to withdraw (grade of W) is Monday, March 19, 2018. After that day it is not usually permitted.

OFFICE HOURS: M 11:00-12:00, TR 10:45-12:00, WF 9:00-10:00, F 11:00-12:00. I am also available by appointment, and at random when approached with a smile.


Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.

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