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Government Warning: for your own health, please don't freak over your mini-projects!
Here's the upshot: we think that climate may impact rainfall, which would have implications for public health.
So we'd like to know if there have been rainfall changes in time, and if they might be temperature-related. If temperatures in Togo are changing, and if temperature changes impact rainfall, then we can expect rainfall changes which might impact public health.
Whew! And that's all I know. I am new to this data, too. So we're on a mission of exploration. You're asail on an ocean of data, and you want to discover the key to the relationship between rainfall and temperature in Togo.
1971,15.4,20.5,24.7,25.0,23.3,22.0,20.8,20.5,20.3,20.9,18.7,18.0 1972,17.1,21.1,22.0,24.9,23.5,22.7,21.9,21.3,20.6,21.7,18.1,17.7 1973,17.1,21.1,22.0,24.9,23.5,22.7,21.9,21.3,20.6,21.7,18.1,17.7 1974,18.6,21.7,23.7,24.3,23.9,22.8,21.9,21.1,20.7,22.1,18.7,17.9
Someone either screwed up, or was lazy and cheated.
Start by bringing up your InsightMaker model from last time (or use mine, which you can find at by searching for mat375).