Applied Math Modeling Takehome Exam (Spring 2018)

Directions: All work should be your own. Any cooperation or collusion between students (or anyone else) will result for an F for the exam and an F for the course.

This is in two parts:

  1. Mathematica modeling of four kill-rates for moose/wolves of Isle Royale (instructions are in this file); and

  2. InsightMaker modeling of the Moose/Wolf populations, based on your Mathematica modeling. You will be comparing results of running simulations using the four different kill-rate models in your clone of this model.

    1. Clone my model.
    2. Notice that the form of the expression in the variable "Kill rate in Moose" in the model is a little different from the kill-rates obtained in the Mathematica modelling process. Explain the reasons for the differences.
    3. Simulate the model for the kill rate initially present. Examine the moose model versus the moose data, and for the wolves. Describe how well the model captures the pattern of the data.
    4. Replace the model with the other three models, and simulate the model for those kill rates. (Be careful: how and why does the model in the Kill Rate in Moose differ from what you found in Mathematica?)
    5. Change the initial moose population to 200, and try again all models again. Notice anything dramatic?
    6. Discuss any important differences between models (providing graphics, via screen capture), and argue for your preferred model.

      Adjust other parameters (e.g. rates) as you wish.

Any questions about exam logistical details, contact me. Good luck!
Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.
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