Your Final Project and Grade

Your final project grade will include bits and pieces from the second half of the semester. Your first verification of the model fit to your city was the first part. The breakdown of the assessment of the final project is as follows:

  1. 10%: Preliminary model fit to city (done!)

  2. 20%: Project Presentation (coming up soon; everyone -- with the exception of team leaders -- should have a presenting role; the leaders may present, at their discretion)

  3. 30%: Final project contribution write-up (due Wednesday, 5/2, at the time of the final, but early submissions are encouraged!). These should be submitted on paper, stapled together. Double-sided is great. There should be two separate sections:

  4. 20%: Final model fit to city (5-10 pages; report individually, but feel free to work with your partner; speaking of partners, include a separate short document evaluating of your partnership. Was work equally shared?)

    By "final model" we will mean whatever model the modelers present by Wednesday, 4/25. So I'd ask the modeling team to finalize those models by that Wednesday, and give them to me for distribution.

    This part of the project will be due Sunday, 4/29, to allow time for others to examine your evaluation of the general model's fit to your city.

    Important note: Include a one-paragraph summary (maybe 200 words) of how well the model fits in your city. This paragraph should be written as closely as possible in the style of the main paper, so that it would fit into a discussion section about the model fit for each town.

    These should be submitted electronically as pdf files, but please submit supporting files as well (e.g. R or Mathematica code).

  5. 20%: Final summary of our work for all of Togo: you be the critic! Take the role of a reviewer of our project/paper (5-10 pages)

    The "final paper" will need to be in hand for this evaluation, so I ask the writing team to finalize that by Friday, 4/27.

    1. Critique the elements of the models directly.
    2. Critique the elements of the paper directly.
    3. Overall: what works well, and what doesn't work?

    This should be submitted electronically as a pdf (due Friday, 5/4).

Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.