Mini-Project 1

We have been asked by Togo's Direction Generale de la Meteorologie Nationale to help determine if Togo's surface temperatures are increasing, in light of the predictions of climate scientists.

They have provided us with data on 10 cities across Togo, and we would like to use that data to

  1. determine if we believe that temperatures are, indeed, increasing, and
  2. create a model of temperature that would provide them with temperature predictions for the next several years into the future.

Each of you has been assigned a particular city. For this mini-project your group should produce a short typed report (no more than five pages, including figures) in which you

  1. Determine if either of your maximum and minimum temperature time-series demonstrate significant increases in temperature over time. Discuss any characteristics of the data that seem relevant.
  2. Provide and discuss your best models $Temperature(time)$ for each of the two time-series.
  3. Provide graphs of the data with their model(s), with labels and title.
  4. Provide graphs of the residuals, with labels and title.
  5. Discuss what additional information might be useful moving forward, problems with your data, and any information you'd like to know from the Togolese meteorologists.

The report is due Friday, 1/26.
Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.