STA205 - Introduction to Statistical Methods, Spring, 2020

INSTRUCTOR: Andy Long. Office: MEP443; phone: 572-5794; email:

Introduction to Statistical Methods (3): Graphical descriptive measures; numerical descriptive measures; probability; hypothesis testing, estimation; analysis of variance; chi-square; regression; analysis by means of statistical software.


EXPECTED BACKGROUND: C- or better in MAHD 092 or MAHD 095 or MAHD 099 or placement. Credit is not given for both STA 205 and STA 212. Not open to students who have completed STA 250 or STA 314.

TEXT/Resources: Notes prepared by Prof. Brooke Buckley, and software tools IMath (an on-line homework system) and StatCrunch (a web-based statistical software package) will be used. A basic scientific calculator which can take the square root of quantities is required. Cell phone calculators may not be used in class or on exams.

GRADING: There will be two exams and a comprehensive final. Homework will continue to be assigned regularly, but there will be no more quizzes.

For that reason, the grading scheme has been shifted to emphasize homework more and lower the emphasis on the quiz portion.

Your course grade will be determined based on the following percentages totals:
Homework: 25%
Quizzes: 15%
Two Exams 40%
Final 20%
The tests will be given in class, closed book. Make-up exams will not be given except in extreme circumstances.

I use the standard grading scale, with a small buffer zone for the assignment of plus/minus grades:

<60 60-70 70-71 71-79 79-80 80-81 81-89 89-90 90-91 >91
F D C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A

HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned regularly. You should do the homework in order to do well in the course. Some homework assignment may be handed in and graded (e.g. computer output and analyses, perhaps in place of "quizzes"), although most of your homework will be done on-line using IMath.

ATTENDANCE: It's all virtual now, so it's up to you to keep up. I'll plan to have an agenda each day. I will be posting some of my own short video "lectures" as we run through the packets as before, and other resources.

WITHDRAWAL: The last day to drop a course with a grade of W is Monday, March 23.

OFFICE HOURS: It's best to email me if you need to chat. We should be able to work out a Zoom meeting. There may also be virtual Math/Stat lab hours.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES & ASSESSMENT: Student learning objectives for each major topic will be posted with each note packet. These objectives give detailed information as to what students are expected to have learned, or to be able to do when assessed. Students will be assessed on these objectives in a variety of methods including in-class exams, assignments, and the final exam.


Website maintained by Andy Long. Comments appreciated.

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