It will be like the last: a combo
of IMath, and something to do on Canvas.
Again, we're thinking of this as an hour exam --
although we may give you a little extra time, in case
you need it. But that's how we're building it.
For the Canvas portion you'll be allowed a one-page
formula sheet, and your own calculator.
Math & Stat Lab is available for tutoring
(virtual). Something to consider. It's free, and features a
bunch of our best math/stat majors.
This week's topic of "improper integrals" is not included on the
I have a request: if you have any particular problems you'd like
covered, send them to me. For Friday I will try to cover each of
these in short videos.
You can ask about a specific problem, or you could ask about an
idea or a concept. I'll do my best to cover whatever.