MAT115: Math for Liberal Arts


Day Date Activity Concept/Skill Assignment ("Readings" are for the next class session; other assignments are generally due one week from assignment date, unless otherwise stated)
Mon1/17 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day    
Wed1/19 Welcome, masked students! Overview of course Visit SIR Models to get the gist of how we're going to model Covid-19; then watch the video Introduction to an infectious disease model for more details (due next class).
Fri1/21 Covid-19 simulation (SIR model) Graphs and Models (definitions) Read Chapter 3 in your text: The Enemy of My Enemy (This provides us with an example of the use of graphs, to deal with a couple of different and interesting problems. How would you classify the graphs you encounter? As you do your reading, try to describe each graph you see using our terminology.
Mon1/24 Good guesses (vaccination status) Trees, Probabilities, and Randomness Read Chapter 23: Chances Are (don't sweat the details! There's some challenging math in here. We're going to talk about it.... But get the big picture.)
Wed1/26 Breast Cancer Testing Trees and Probabilities, encore! Your first homework to submit on Canvas (please submit as a pdf, by Sunday night, 1/30): Illustrate the Tree Terminology page, with trees you've drawn yourself. Illustrate each term mentioned with a tree, or trees.
Fri1/28 Let's look at Covid-19 Testing (Practice) Read Chapter 1: From Fish to Infinity (and make sure you watch the video from Sesame Street!)

Begin your first IMath assignment. This one is partly just to get you familiar with IMath, and how it will work. Low pressure!:) Everyone should get a perfect on this one, because I allow you to repeat the questions until you get them right.

You're going to need to do the following: visit, and

  1. Create an account (if you don't already have one); then "Enroll in a new class" with this info:
  2. Course ID:
    1. Section 002 (in-person): 493
    2. Section 003 (on-line): 495
  3. Enrollment Key: 3.1415

Mon1/31 Sesame Street Just what is a number? Several things to do for next time:
  1. Read Chapter 2 (Rock Groups);
  2. Read the start of Chapter 25 (The Loneliest Numbers, pp. 201-204);
  3. Watch this video to get a better understanding of false negatives and false positives (and sensitivity and specificity) of tests.

Wed2/2 Rock Groups Prime Factorization: the first great factorization Read this article on One-to-one correspondence.
Fri2/4 NKU Closed Sledding and Fun Assignment: relax; catch up on life. If you feel the need, check out my Snow Day Play-By-Play of two examples of decision trees: the two-toss method, and "natural frequencies" and conditional probabilities. (These were created to help those struggling with IMath problems 9 and 10.)
Mon2/7 One-to-one correspondences   You have a new IMath assignment, due in a week.
Wed2/9 The Great Fraudini, and Primitive Counting (Mystery!:) Check out Vi Hart teaching us how to Binary hand-dance. See if you can dance along! Then you might continue on, and see how she uses binary trees to prepare her Thanksgiving feast (vegetarians and vegans: serious meat warning....).

Word of the day: binary! Try out the Fraudini trick on an unwitting victim; make sure that you can do it.

Fri2/11 Binary numbers Binary Factorization: the second great factorization Your assignment (submit on Canvas; due Friday, 2/18):

  1. For each of the following composite numbers, draw the unique binary tree corresponding to its prime factorization:

    1. 32 (primes can be repeated!)
    2. 441
    3. 2310

  2. Imagine that you're playing Fraudini's trick with a friend: for each of the following numbers, indicate which cards contain that number by writing each number as a sum of powers of 2 (you might use a tree to create the factorization):

    1. 53
    2. 49
    3. 31

  3. For the following use the method of "primitive counting" described in class:

    1. Turn the following into the appropriate string of 1s and 0s by drawing the appropriate ternary tree:

      1. 32
      2. 63
      3. 97

    2. Turn the following strings of 1s and 0s into the appropriate number of sheep, drawing the ternary tree is desired:

      1. 1,0,1,0,1,0
      2. 1,0,1,0,1,0,1
      3. 1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1

Mon2/14 Pascal's Triangle Pascal's Triangle: The coolest mathematics (so far) You have a new IMath assignment, due in a week.
Wed2/16 Facebook Applications of Pascal's Triangle and Graphs Please read this intro to graphs (and an intro to a problem that we'll be discussing Friday).
Fri2/18 Bridges of Konigsburg Planar Graphs Read Chapter 6: Location, Location, Location. Are you reviewing for the first exam?
Mon2/21 Morse (and ASCII) Code Binary/Computer coding  
Wed2/23 Review    
Fri2/25 Exam 1   IMath assignment
Mon2/28 Euler paths and Planar graphs Floor plans as Konigsberg graphs  
Wed3/2 The Babylonians and The Mayans Other Bases: Nothing solves the place value problem Today you received two "artifacts" in class, one Babylonian and one Mayan. Your job: to "translate" those artifacts into our numbers systems. The Mayan has been started for you; the Babylonian one shouldn't be too much trouble.

Please submit those on Canvas by Monday, 3/14, at midnight.

Fri3/4 Location, Location, Location Other Bases (and arithmetic operations) You have a new IMath assignment, due on Friday, 3/18, of the week following Spring break.
Mon3/7 Spring Break    
Wed3/9 Spring Break    
Fri3/11 Spring Break    
Mon3/14 The Egyptians: back to binary Egyptian Multiplication  
Wed3/16 The Egyptians Egyptian Division Please enjoy this reading while working on your homework: it includes some material which you've already seen elsewhere, but also includes information on the Egyptians, and seemed really interesting!

Homework: to be handed in on Wednesday, 3/23:

  1. Demonstrate Egyptian multiplication by multiplying the following (write out the table, and check your work):
    1. 13*34
    2. 23*79
    3. 81*123
    4. 255*256
  2. Demonstrate Egyptian division by dividing:
    1. 9/4
    2. 13/7
    Try these using the same sort of "doubling/halving" table that we use for multiplication.

  3. Demonstrate Egyptian division by dividing:
    1. 4/9
    2. 7/13
    Try these using the Unit Fraction Table method, and Fraudini's trick (writing a number as a sum of distinct powers of 2).

Fri3/18 The Egyptians Practice No new IMath assignment; work on your homework to submit to Canvas.
Mon3/21 Fraudini Nim How to win a million dollars!  
Wed3/23 Fibonacci numbers The third great factorization: nature loves Fibonacci numbers Please read Chapter 10: Working Your Quads; also this short description of the Fibonacci numbers

You might check out this great video by Vi Hart, featuring Fibonaccis in Nature.

Fri3/25 Climate Strike
Mon3/28 More about Fibonacci numbers History: Fibonacci rabbits  
Wed3/30 Golden Rectangles and Fibonacci spirals: from numbers to geometry Self-Similarity, Fibonacci numbers, and the Quadratic Formula -- oh my! Several things to do prior to our exam:

  1. Read this symmetry handout (pages 1-6, 8).

    Carry out the following exercises on that page, to submit on Canvas by Wednesday of next week:

    1. A1, A4 (p. 1)
    2. B1, B3, B4 (p. 2)
    3. C1 (p. 3)

  2. Also read this article (from The New York Times, March 22, 2022), as we move into geometry: Is Geometry a Language That Only Humans Know? (here's the source -- the New York Times). Neuroscientists are exploring whether shapes like squares rectangles and and our ability to them recognize are part of what makes our species special.

    (There are two fun games to play in this article, to test your instinctual geometric abilities. Look for them on the left side-bar.)

Fri4/1 Symmetry Rotation/Reflection Read this article (from March 30, 2022 -- what's the chance?)
Mon4/4 Platonic Solids Duality Prepare for your exam
Wed4/6 Review    
Fri4/8 Exam 2   IMath assignment
Mon4/11 More Platonics, and Fractals Examples of Self-similarity  
Wed4/13 Making Fractals L-Systems Read Chapter 27: Twist and Shout

For homework, make a set of the Platonic solids from paper. Write your name on each one, or decorate them in some interesting way (just printing them off on the right paper might work!), take a photo, and upload it to Canvas.

Fri4/15 More Fractals and a Pascal Fractal Initiators, generators, and counting IMath assignment
Mon4/18 Mobius Bands Introduction to Links and Knots
Wed4/20 Links and Knots: all tied up The Borrommean Rings and Torus Knots Please watch Vi Hart's video Snakes and Graphs. You'll see glimpses of several of the characters we're currently studying. To turn in:

Please create your very own Spiral Fractal, and submit it on Canvas. (Due Wednesday, 4/27) You'll need a small square photo (that's best, although the program allows you to crop to a square portion of an image); but please use your creativity to create beautiful things!

Fri4/22 More Links and Knots Knots up to five  
Mon4/25 Knot Practice and Applications In which we encounter the Really Cool Object A couple of readings:
  1. Read Chapter 30: The Hilbert Hotel (for next class!)
  2. Check out this summary of our work today: Knots: a handout for math circles.
Wed4/27 Knot Practice and Applications: distinguishing knots Reidemeister moves Homework (due Monday, 5/6): Identify the knots or links in this "story", which I call A Knotty Tale. You may need to apply the Reidemeister moves to convince yourself that a picture of a knot is really the unknot, say, but you don't need to tell me how you determined which knot or link each one is. Just put a name next to each one.

You must print off and put your answers on a copy of the knots (or else draw each one meticulously by hand). Otherwise it's a zero. No exceptions.

Fri4/29 An Infinity of Infinities The Hilbert Hotel: infinities that are the same size  
Mon5/2 Logo Day!    
Wed5/4 Logo Day!    
Fri5/6 Review    
Wed5/11 Final Exam: 12:20-2:20