MAT128: Calculus A

Schedule and Assignments

Day Date Activity Assignment (due one week from assignment date, unless otherwise stated)
Mon1/17 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day  
Wed1/19 Welcome/Rates of Change For next time:

  1. Please read Section 1.1 in our text, and carry out Preview Activity 1.1.1 (bring your work to class).

  2. Finish up your your first handout from today. You can test your understanding by carrying out your first IMath homework. To get on IMath, go to; create an account (if you don't already have one), then sign up for the course MAT128-Spring2022 (Course ID: 491; key: 3.1415926).

Mon1/24 Section 1.1: How do we measure velocity? For next time:

  1. Please read Section 1.2 in our text, and carry out Preview Activity 1.2.1 (bring your work to class -- I'll be "evaluating" these for real next time!).

  2. Finish up your your worksheet from today. You can test your understanding by carrying out your next IMath homework. (See the last assignment, if you're not on IMath yet.)

Wed1/26 Section 1.2: The notion of limit Read Section 1.3: The derivative of a function at a point, and carry out the preview exercise (I won't ask you to hand this one in; but bring your work to class, because it will be graded "informally".).

Also carry out the following two exercises (due next Monday, at 2:00 pm (before class), to submit on Canvas): Section 1.1, #8; Section 1.2, #7.

Mon1/31 Section 1.3: The derivative of a function at a point For next time: no new reading. We're going to continue discussing Section 1.3: The derivative of a function at a point.

Your "preview" for Wednesday is to "Explore" two of the "GeoGebra" examples mentioned in this section (there are questions at the end of each); these are the work of Marc Renault, at Shippensburg University:

  1. One-sided limits
  2. The Derivative at a Point

Wed2/2 Section 1.3: The derivative of a function at a point  
Mon2/7 Section 1.3/1.4: The derivative function For next time: read Section 1.4: The derivative function, and carry out the preview exercise. Upload your preview to Canvas prior to class on Wednesday. I'll also have you turn in your handout work on Canvas, too. It will also be due by class-time on Wednesday.

Also carry out the following two exercises (due next Monday, at 2:00 pm (before class), to submit on Canvas): Section 1.3, #7 and #8.

Wed2/9 Section 1.4: The derivative function For next time: read Section 1.5: Interpreting, estimating, and using the derivative, and carry out the preview exercise. Upload your preview to Canvas prior to class on Monday. Also turn in your handout work on Canvas by class-time on Monday.

Mon2/14 Section 1.5: Using the derivative No new assignment: review and prepare for your exam. Make sure that you have a functioning graphing calculator for the exam.
Wed2/16 Exam 1  
Mon2/21 Section 1.6: The second derivative For next time: read Section 1.8: The Tangent Line Approximation, and carry out the preview exercise. Upload your preview to Canvas prior to class on Monday. Also turn in your 1.6 worksheet on Canvas by class-time on Wednesday.

Wed2/23 Section 1.8: The Tangent Line Approximation We're going to jump ahead to chapter 2 next time. Please read section 2.1 to prepare, and do the preview exercise to submit on Canvas.
Mon2/28 Section 2.1: Elementary Derivative rules, and Section 2.3: Product and Quotient Rules Read section 2.2 (derivatives of sines and cosines); do the preview and submit prior to class next time.

You will also be submitting your worksheet on Canvas.

Wed3/2 Section 2.2: The sine and cosine functions Read section 2.4 (Derivatives of other trigonometric functions); do the preview and submit prior to class next time.
And have a merry Spring break!

You will also be submitting your worksheet on Canvas.

Mon3/7 Spring Break  
Wed3/9 Spring Break  
Mon3/14 Section 2.4: Derivatives of other trigonometric functions  
Wed3/16 Section 2.5: The chain rule

  1. Read section 2.7 (Derivatives of functions given implicitly); do the preview and submit prior to class next time.
  2. Your chain rule worksheet should be submitted by class on Monday, as well.
  3. You have three IMath assignments due prior to your upcoming exam -- one each for the quotient rule, trig rules, and the chain rule. The point of that is to get you some practice computing derivatives. You have unlimited, unpunished attempts, so you should be able to get them all right.

Mon3/21 Review Prepare for exam
Wed3/23 Exam 2  
Mon3/28 Section 2.7: Derivatives of functions given implicitly Please read section 2.6 to prepare, and do the preview exercise to submit on Canvas.
Wed3/30 Section 2.6: Derivatives of Inverse Functions  
Mon4/4 Section 2.8: Using Derivatives to Evaluate Limits  
Wed4/6 Curve Sketching  
Mon4/11 Section 3.1: Using derivatives to identify extreme values  
Wed4/13 Section 3.3: Global Optimization  
Mon4/18 Section 3.4: Applied Optimization  
Wed4/20 Exam 3  
Mon4/25 Section 3.4: Applied Optimization  
Wed4/27 Section 3.5: Related Rates  
Mon5/2 More Optimization and Related Rates A glimpse of the future!
Wed5/4 Review  
Mon5/9 Rest  
Wed5/11 Final Exam (2:30 pm)