Chemicals & Human Health

Toxicology Problem Set

Problem 7: Dose and response


Most hazardous substances exhibit a "dose-response relationship" What does this mean?

A. The harm caused by the hazard increases as the amount of hazard entering the body (dose) increases.
The dose response curve is the relationship between the amount of the hazard entering the body and the amount of harm it causes. A typical dose response curve looks like this one for the chemical alcohol.

B. It does not matter how big a dose you receive, you will always have same amount of harm/sickness.
C. Exposure to the hazard always results in harm.
D. Fifty percent of the people will die when exposed to 0.1 mg/kg.

Toxicology Problem Set Chemicals & Human Health

The Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center
The Biology Project
The University of Arizona
Tuesday, September 16, 1997
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