Global health issues, environmental quality and genetic testing
are among the many complex biology-based issues facing society today.
To make informed decisions, citizens need to understand basic biological principles.

The goal of The Biology Project is to improve biology understanding worldwide
by providing FREE access to high quality learning materials for all levels.


What we plan to do

To meet our goal, The Biology Project is growing in several ways:

  • Expanding breadth to include biology topics that everyone should understand to live a healthy and contributing life in today's world.
  • Expanding depth to serve learners at all levels - from kindergarten to the upper division university level.
  • Translating learning materials into Spanish and other languages to increase accessibility of learning materials worldwide


How we plan to do this

To meet our goal, The Biology Project will:

  • Combine efforts with existing outreach projects
  • Collaborate with teachers at all levels
  • Create databases to facilitate production and translations

Introduction | Funding | Existing Biology Project | El Proyecto Biologico

Advanced Biology | Young Explorer | Program for Teachers | General Public

The Biology Project
University of Arizona
July 25, 2000
Contact info:
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