Human Genetics Problem Set
Instructions: The following problems have multiple choice answers. Correct
answers are reinforced with a brief explanation. Incorrect answers are
linked to tutorials to help solve the problem.
- Inheritance of an X-linked recessive trait
- Using RFLP-analysis to hunt for human genes
- Human Genome Project objectives
- Inheritance pattern for Tay-Sachs disease
- Interpreting a pedigree chart
- Diagnosis of aneuploidy
- Down's syndrome
- X-linked traits
- Sex determination in humans
- Predicting inheritance pattern from pedigree analysis
- Diagnosis of Klinefelter's syndrome
- Somatic cell hybrids
- Methods of human genetics
- Barr body
- Markers for mapping chromosomes
- Polymorphism in Huntington's disease gene
- Using PCR to detect genetic markers
- DNA expressed as mRNA transcripts
- Who is NOT the father of my grandson?
The Biology Project
University of Arizona
Revised: November 5, 1998
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