Chapter 10
Polynomial and Series Representations of Functions
10.2 Approximation of Functions: Taylor Polynomials
- If `f text[(] x text[)]=sin x`, what is the coefficient of `x^5` in the seventh-degree polynomial approximation `P_7 text[(] x text[)]` of `f text[(] x text[)]`?
- For any function `f text[(] x text[)]` with enough derivatives, what is the coefficient of `x^5` in the seventh-degree polynomial approximation `P_7 text[(] x text[)]` of `f text[(] x text[)]`?
- For any function `f text[(] x text[)]` with enough derivatives and any positive integers `k` and `n` (`n>=k`), what is the coefficient of `x^k` in the
`n`th-degree polynomial approximation `P_n text[(] x text[)]` of `f text[(] x text[)]`?
- What is the
- seventh-degree Taylor polynomial approximation to `f text[(] x text[)]=sin x text[?]`
- fourth-degree Taylor polynomial approximation to `g text[(] x text[)]=cos x`?
- sixth-degree Taylor polynomial approximation to `h text[(] x text[)]=e^x`?
- Figure E1 shows a possible response to Activity 2(c).
- Why are only three error curves plotted in Figure E1?
- Interpret each of the curves in Figure E1 as we did for the exponential function. What can you say about their shapes?
- For approximately what interval does the cubic approximation to the sine function match `sin x` to within `0.01`?
Figure E1 Error curves for Taylor polynomials for `f text[(] x text[)]=sin x` up to degree 5 -
- What is the largest error (in absolute value) in the fifth-degree approximation to the sine function over the entire interval `[-pitext[/]2,pitext[/]2]`?
- For what `x`'s does that largest error occur?
- For each such `x`, is `sin x` larger than or smaller than `P_5 text[(] x text[)]`?
- Find the Taylor polynomials of degrees `0` through `6` for the function `f text[(] x text[)]=cos x`.
- In a single plotting window, graph `f text[(] x text[)]=cos x` and the Taylor polynomials you calculated in part (a).
- In a single plotting window, graph the errors in the Taylor polynomials you calculated in part (b).
- Interpret each of the error curves as we did for the exponential function. What can you say about their shapes?
- For approximately what interval does the sixth-degree approximation to the cosine function match `cos x` to within `0.01?`
- What is the largest error (in absolute value) in the sixth-degree approximation to the cosine function over the entire interval `[-pitext[/]2,pitext[/]2]?`
- For what `x`'s does that largest error occur?
- For each such `x`, is `cos x` larger than or smaller than `P_6 text[(] x text[)]`?
- What calculus operation, when applied to `sin x`, gives `cos x`?
- What happens if you perform the same operation on the Taylor polynomials for `sin x`?
- What happens if you differentiate the Taylor polynomials for `e^x`?
- Is your answer to part (c) consistent with your answer to part (b)?
- Calculate `e` (`=e^1`) by substituting `x=1` into the appropriate polynomials `P_n text[(] x text[)]` for `e^x` with increasing values of `n` until you see no change in the sixth decimal place. [Hint: `P_ntext[(]1text[)]=P_(n-1)text[(]1text[)]+1text[/]n!` for every value of `n`, so you can get each new approximation by adding a single term to the preceding one.]
- Check your result in part (a) by comparing your partial sums with your computer's or calculator's value for `e`.
- Calculate `sin 1` (radian) by substituting `x=1` into the appropriate polynomials `P_n text[(] x text[)]` with increasing values of `n` until you see no change in the sixth decimal place.
- Check your result in part (a) by comparing your partial sums with your computer's or calculator's value for `sin 1`.
- Calculate `cos 1` (radian) by substituting `x=1` into the appropriate polynomials `P_n text[(] x text[)]` with increasing values of `n` until you see no change in the sixth decimal place.
- Check your result in part (a) by comparing your partial sums with your computer's or calculator's value for `cos 1`.
- Here, courtesy of a computer algebra system, are a well-known function and its first five derivatives:
`f text[(] x text[)]`
`=tan x` `f' text[(] x text[)]``=1+tan^2 x` `f'' text[(] x text[)]``=2 tan x+2 tan^3 x` `f^((3)) text[(] x text[)]``=2 +8 tan^2 x+6 tan^4 x` `f^((4)) text[(] x text[)]``=16 tan x +40 tan^3 x+24 tan^5 x` `f^((5)) text[(] x text[)]``=16+136 tan^2 x +240 tan^4 x+120 tan^6 x` - Using an appropriate `y`-scale, graph `f text[(] x text[)]-P_5 text[(] x text[)]` on the interval you determined in part (b), and find the maximum error in the approximation on that interval.
- Here, courtesy of a computer algebra system, are a well-known function and its first five derivatives:
- With your graphing tool, graph `e^x` and `1+x` for `-2<=x<=2` and `-5<=y<=5`. One term at a time, change the second function to higher degree Taylor polynomial approximations for `e^x`, and regraph. That is, first add `x^2`/`2`, then `x^3`/`6`, and so on. As the Taylor approximation begins to look very close to `e^x`, enlarge the window so you can see clearly how and where the two functions differ. Continue up to at least degree `5`. Describe in your own words the characteristics that distinguish all the Taylor polynomials from `e^x`.
- With your graphing tool, graph the functions `e^x- text[(] 1+x text[)]` and `x^2`/`2`. That is, graph the error in the approximation of `e^x` by `1+x`, as well as the first term "left out" of the approximation. Set the window at `-1<=x<=1` and `-1<=y<=1` with tick marks on both axes at a spacing of `0.1`. If your tool has a grid option, turn it on.
- What is the approximate shape of the error curve?
- For what values of `x` is the error smaller (in absolute value) than the next term?
- For what values of `x` is the error larger (in absolute value) than the next term?
- What is the largest error (in absolute value) on the interval `[-1,1]`, and where does this largest error occur?
- In what interval on the `x`-axis is |error| no larger than the distance between `y` tick marks?
- Now make the first function `e^x-text[(]1+x+x^2text[/]2text[)]` and the second function `x^3text[/]6`. Change the `y`-range to `[-0.25,0.25]` with tick marks on the `y`-axis at a spacing of `0.025`. Answer the same questions as in parts (a)–(e). Record your numerical results in a table like the one shown in Table E1.
Table E1 Errors in polynomial approximations to `e^x` Degree Max y y tick spacing Max |error|
on [-1,1]Interval for |error| `<=`
tick spacing11.0 0.1 0.72[-0.47,0.41]20.25 0.025 30.1 0.01 40.01 0.001 50.0025 0.00025 60.00025 0.000025 - Continue adding terms to the error function and changing the "next term", answering the questions of parts (a)-(e), and filling in each line of Table E1. Use the ranges and tick spacing indicated in the table.
- Give a reason why each of the following functions is not a polynomial function.
- The exponential function
- The sine function
- The cosine function
- The natural logarithm function
- The inverse tangent function
- The normal probability density function
- The error function
- Find the Taylor polynomials of degrees 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 that approximate the function `f text[(] x text[)]= 1+x^4 `.
- However you answered part (a), there is at least one more way to arrive at the same answer. What's a second way to answer part (a)?
- Find a fourth-degree polynomial approximation for the function `f text[(] x text[)]=(sin x)/x`. (Hint: Don't calculate any derivatives!)
- Graph both `f text[(] x text[)]` and your approximating polynomial.
- Use your approximating polynomial to estimate `int_0^1 (sin x)/x dx`.
- Use the integral function of your computer or calculator to evaluate the integral in part (c). How accurate was your estimate?
- Find the first six Taylor polynomial approximations to `f text[(] x text[)]=e^(-x).`
- In the first six Taylor polynomials for `g text[(] x text[)]=e^x`, substitute `-x` for `x`. How are the resulting polynomials related to the ones you calculated in part (a)?
- Graph `f text[(] x text[)]` and all six of the approximating polynomials in a single graphing window.