Chapter 10
Polynomial and Series Representations of Functions

10.4 More Taylor Polynomials and Series

10.4.2 Taylor Polynomials and Series for `ln text[(]1 + xtext[)]`

We can use our knowledge of the Taylor polynomials for `1text[/(]1-xtext[)]` to obtain the Taylor polynomials for other functions. For example, since

1 1 + t = 1 1 - ( - t ) ,

we can substitute `x = -t` in the geometric series to find

1 1 + t = 1 - t + t 2 - t 3 + ⋅⋅⋅ , for `text[|] t text[|] < 1`.

We know from the more important part of the Fundamental Theorem that

ln ( 1 + x ) = 0 x 1 1 + t   d t .

What happens if we integrate the Taylor polynomials for `f text[(] t text[)] = 1text[/(]1+t text[)]`? We find

0 x 1   d t = x ,
0 x ( 1 - t )   d t = x - x 2 2 ,
0 x ( 1 - t + t 2 )   d t = x - x 2 2 + x 3 3 ,

and, in general,

0 x [ 1 - t + t 2 - t 3 + ⋅⋅⋅ + ( - 1 ) n t n ]   d t = x - x 2 2 + x 3 3 - x 4 4 + ⋅⋅⋅ + ( - 1 ) n x n + 1 n + 1 .

Checkpoint 1Checkpoint 1

You will probably not be surprised to learn that

ln ( 1 + x ) = x - x 2 2 + x 3 3 - x 4 4 + ⋅⋅⋅ = k = 0 ( - 1 ) k x k + 1 k + 1 , if `|x| < 1`.

On the other hand, if `text[|] x text[|] > 1`, the polynomials in Checkpoint 1 do not approximate `ln text[(] 1 + x text[)]`. We can see this in Figure 1, which shows `f text[(] x text[)] = ln text[(] 1 + x text[)]` and its first seven approximating polynomials on the interval `[-2,2]`. As `x` approaches `-1` from the right, `f text[(] x text[)]` runs away to `-oo`. The successive polynomials `P_n text[(] x text[)]` all continue across the line `x = -1`, where there are no values of `f` to approximate. As `x` approaches `1` from the left, we see the successive polynomials getting closer to `f` at each `x` less than `1.` Then, as the curves cross `x = 1`, the higher degree polynomials run away from `f` faster than the lower degree ones.

Figure 1   `ln text[(] 1 + x text[)]` and polynomial approximations up to degree `7`

In Figure 2 we show the errors in the polynomial approximations plotted in Figure 1, again on an exaggerated scale. These low-degree polynomials have errors close to zero (i.e., fit well) only within about `1`/`2` unit of the origin. To get a good fit closer to `x=1` or `x=-1`, much higher degree polynomials are required.

Figure 2   Errors in polynomial approximations of `ln text[(] 1 + x text[)]`
`E_ntext[(]xtext[)] = ln text[(] 1 + x text[)] - P_ntext[(]xtext[)]`
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