Chapter 2
Models of Growth: Rates of Change
2.4 Exponential Functions
2.4.5 Symbolic Differentiation of Exponential
Functions: Other Bases
We know how to differentiate
will help us answer this question.
Example 2 Differentiate
Solution We begin by writing `3` in the form
There is nothing special about `b = 3 text(.)` In general,
Notice that we have now solved a problem we left dangling earlier: how to calculate `L text[(] b text[)]` in the formula
In Chapter 1 we reviewed logarithms with an arbitrary base `b`. In this chapter we have already determined a special interest in the natural base `e text(.)` The corresponding logarithm is also called “natural.” Its abbreviated name is ln, which stands for “logarithm, natural” (but which is read “natural logarithm”). Thus
Definition The natural logarithm is defined by
Note, in particular, that if `y = 1 text(,)` then `x` must be `e`, and if `x` is `e`, then `y` must be `1`. That is, `text(ln) e = 1 text(.)`