Chapter 2
Models of Growth: Rates of Change
2.6 Logarithms and Representation of Data
2.6.3 Power Functions and Log-Log Plotting
We turn now to data of another sort, namely, (simulated) data giving the position of a falling body at half-second time intervals. Table 3 contains a refinement of the falling body data in Table 1 of Section 2.1, where we explored a theoretical model for these data from elementary physics: where `s` is distance fallen at time `t` and `c` is a constant. We call such a function - a constant multiple of a constant power of the independent variable - a power function. This is to distinguish such functions from exponential functions, which have constant base and variable exponent. We can now address the question of whether the data actually fit a power function model.
Take logs of both sides of the proposed functional relationship , and simplify as much as possible. (You decide what base to use for the logarithms.)
The resulting equation says something is a linear function of something else. What is a linear function of what? What is the slope of that linear function?
Propose a graphical test for deciding whether the data in Table 3 fit the theoretical model.
Use a computer tool to do the graphing to carry out your test. What do you conclude about whether the data fit the model?
A plot in which both horizontal and vertical scales are treated logarithmically, such as the one created in Activity 7, is called a log-log plot or just a log plot.