Maple Tool 1

This study is for use with Activity 3 in Section 3.3.

>    with(plots):with(DEtools):

Enter the value of g  in feet per second per second.

>    g:=32.17;

g := 32.17

Here is the slope field for this differential equation.

>    plot1:=DEplot(diff(v(t),t)=g,v(t), t=0..5, v=-20..200,arrows=line, color=navy):%;

[Maple Plot]

Enter your formula for a solution v(t) .
(Remember that all constants must be given excplicitly in the definition.)

>    v:=t->g*t-10;

v := proc (t) options operator, arrow; g*t-10 end proc

Plot the graph on the slope field.

>    plot2:=plot(v(t),t=0..5, thickness=2):

[Maple Plot]
